Broaden Your Skillset
Many people who go into management positions in health services do so with only a general background in management.
Our course offers you a chance to learn a solid foundation in health sciences and related studies as well as management and organisational studies. As such you should develop a more acute understanding of the health services industry.
Obtain the skills for successful management of Healthcare Services
Gain a solid foundation of the necessary skills to provide effective management of health services.
Increase your knowledge of the medical/health/fitness fields, through the guidance and feedback of experienced professional tutors.
Work towards your strengths
Health services can be dynamic and complex. Therefore, being able to evaluate, plan and implement positive management practices will be depended upon your attitude and quality background knowledge.
Health care systems and services encompass a wide range of disciplines, therefore the paths towards your future career are endless. You can direct your studies to your current area of expertise, or chose a new direction for yourself. You can also make your learning bundle as focused or as broad as you need it to be.
This course is different to many others, because it goes well beyond just teaching you basic management skills. It is an "experiential based" learning program; designed to get you involved with a variety of health care professionals, while exploring the nature and scope of the health service industry.
This networking will provide the basis for ongoing success you need to become "connected" and remain "connected", so that you see and adapt to changes as your career moves forward
Note that each module in the Advanced Certificate in Health Services Management is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.
Learn to be a skilled manager
Explore theories and procedures, problem solving and decision making tactics
Identify the processes and procedures that are associated with the effective management of staff in the workplace.
Describe the use of motivation in the workplace and the effects this can have on staff performance.
Develop skills to communicate clearly and effectively using medical terminology
Understand how ethics can be applied to determine and manage the rights of individuals
Explain how ethics can be applied by people in the work they do, on a daily basis and throughout an entire career
Understand medical services, sport, recreation services, food, and natural therapies. Any and all of these goods and services can be considered to be part of the health and fitness services.
Certain qualifications may qualify you to work as a doctor or nurse; but
there's a lot more to health services than just being a nurse or
doctor. Being a nurse or GP may be the most obvious jobs in health, but
that is because in the past they have been the most visible. That may
not be the case in the future though.
Success in the health industry is not
just a matter of being able to do the job. It is also very much
dependent upon the attitude you have and the decisions you make.
Where can this course lead?
With the strong foundation gained through this course, you will have a
great standing for any successful management career in private or
public heath care services.
Industry is changing faster than ever; and will continue to change; and
for ongoing success you need to become "connected" and remain
"connected", so that you see and adapt to recent changes, and ongoing
changes as your career moves forward.
Job opportunities in support of both physical and mental health care
services will be highly varied. This course may be different things to
different graduates. The following are just some of the opportunities in
the future may be found in:
Research and Development - in self employment; sub contracting R & D services, or working for someone.
Health testing or assessment services - can be as varied as
medical laboratory testing to psychological assessments and development
of medical testing equipment, both hardware or software.
Manufacturing health industry products (eg. anything sold in a
chemist shop, used in a hospital or displayed in a Health Food shop).
Preventative medicine
Food and Nutrition
Psychological Health
Marketing - health services and products
Education -public education
Business Management and Development requires both management skills as well as a solid understanding of the health industry.
The sort of skills required by a good health practitioner are often
not the same as what is needed to be a successful health services entrepreneur, innovator, educator or product developer.
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