ACS has been developing resources and guiding students since 1979.
We have developed over 600 online courses / distance education courses from short 100 hour courses to Advanced Certificate courses online. Along with our main courses our staff have developed and written all of our eBooks and a variety of highly interactive short 20 hour self-paced courses used more for professional development or short snippets of learning in an area of interest.
We continue to improve existing courses and develop new ones on a regular basis.
ACS is an Internationally Recognized College affiliated with over 18 other post secondary institutions in several different countries, including both government owned and nationally recognized institutions.
We approach learning as a journey but often others don't. To educate our students we must appreciate the complex journey that needs to be undertaken in order to achieve useful learning.
Many people (even in the education industry) treat learning superficially, as something simple (eg. you enrol, do a course, get tested, graduate.; but this is not real learning).
In reality, learning is a pathway that the student moves along. It begins with a first encounter, and continues to develop and strengthen not only during the initial course, but long afterwards – and different people move at different speeds along their learning pathway.
The quality of education has all too often been degraded because of an unsophisticated understanding of how learning occurs, combined with restraints of curriculum, bureaucracy, and limited funding.
Our courses are practical, enabling you to not only develop knowledge, but to build the capacity to continue learning after your studies are completed.
Our courses are experiential; you learn from "'experts'" by being guided to see, do, think about and experience the things you study.