Permaculture and Self Sufficiency Courses

Permaculture and self-sufficiency courses for sustainable living or professional development.
Gain skills and knowledge with practical experience with support in self-sufficiency and permaculture, we understand sustainable living and have been teaching it since the 70’s. Flexible learning, great support and lots of options.

Advanced Permaculture

Online advanced permaculture course. Learn from experienced tutors who will take you to the next level in professional permaculture and sustainable living.

10 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Certificate In Alternative Farming

Study alternative farming online - learn sustainable agriculture techniques for farming crops and livestock.

6 modules
600 hours
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Certificate In Horticulture (Permaculture)

Online certificate level course combining permaculture with the important fundamentals of horticulture. Learn from highly qualified and experienced Horticultur...

700 hours
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Certificate In Self Sufficiency

Study self sufficiency in a more in-depth way online. Change your lifestyle, or that of others, towards a more sustainable future. Take advantage of the years o...

6 modules
600 hours
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Health Food Production

Learn production and manufacturing of alternative foods, how to source organic, vegan and vegetarian foods for business applications and marketing in the health...

9 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Mud Brick Construction

Learn online to create a home, using mud bricks, build your own home, learn how to live in a mud brick home. Create other buildings using mud bricks. Learn from...

10 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Permaculture I

Study permaculture online and learn the techniques and landscape design principles needed to create a productive and sustainable property.

5 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Permaculture II (Plants for Permaculture)

Study plants suitable for a permaculture property or landscape - learn how to select, establish and use these plants. Extensive 100 hour specialised training fo...

10 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Permaculture III (Animals)

Animals in permaculture - learn how to select, manage and incorporate different animals into a permaculture system by studying animal husbandry, breed selection...

8 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Permaculture IV

Learn advanced skills in planning, designing and producing sustainable and alternative systems for permaculture gardens and properties - 100 hour online course.

10 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Permaculture Systems (PDC)

An intensive online foundation course in permaculture covering the growing methods which underpin permaculture i.e. natural systems constituting ecology and zon...

8 lessons
Statement of Attainment
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Self Sufficiency I (Be More Self Sufficient)

Study self-sufficiency online - become more self-sufficient and lead a more 'natural' way of life away from blind consumerism plaguing the world today. Learn fr...

10 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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Self Sufficiency II

Learn to grow, process and use food to be more self sufficient - save money, eat healthier. Study online and learn from experts with decades of experience in se...

10 lessons
100 hours
Statement of Attainment
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