Hospitality and tourism courses for personal and professional development. Gain skills, knowledge and practical experience for working in hotel management, events, tour services or food and nutrition. Flexible learning, supportive student services and tutors.
An intensive online course for people with a flair for organising events. Learn good management techniques and develop a career in event management.
Learn to manage food and beverage services. A comprehensive study program for restaurant and catering service managers. Serious training for a sustainable, prof...
Learn about the hospitality and tourism industry. Gain skills and understanding in tourism, hotel management, food and beverage management, health, fitness, s...
A comprehensive leisure industry course with a strong focus on tourism. Learn a range of skills such as provision of tours, ecotourism, event management, arrang...
Study bed & breakfast management online. Learn how to set up and manage a bed & breakfast or guesthouse. This course covers facilities, decor, equipment, custom...
Study to become an event manager and work in the event industry, planning and running events, such as weddings, parties, exhibitions, concerts, product launches...
Study hospitality online and learn to manage accommodation, food services and events.
Broaden your scope of career possibilities by studying both hospitality and tourism. This course is excellent for those who want to enter the field of catering ...
Study tourism online, to develop a career or business in the travel and tourism industry. Learn to manage tour services, facilities and package tours.
Increase your options by studying both event management and wedding planning in this comprehensive online course.
Learn cleaning skills and knowledge to become a successful commercial or domestic cleaner or cleaning service manager. Understand different cleaning chemicals, ...
Study bartending online. Learn how to mix drinks, studying a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks; as well as learning general service skills to man...
Study event management online. Learn to organise and manage events, parties, concerts, exhibitions, weddings, celebrations, and more.
Learn to organise events that can be attended online - as part of a larger live event, or a completely virtual event. These can be conferences, seminars, perfor...
Set up and run a farm tourism or agritourism venture to expand a farming business to allow tourists to visit.
Study restaurant management online. Learn about nutrition, cooking, kitchen and food management, menu planning, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, personnel...
Study cooking online. Learn about food preparation, food handling and safety, cooking equipment and tools, and more.
Study food processing and technology online. Learn how to plan and manage the processing of food on or off farm, to produce marketable food products.
Learn to manage garden tourism products - attractions, tours, events and more. Add value to properties, expand your business and career prospects. Plan, develop...
Train to be a hotel manager. This course provides broad based, basic training to work in hospitality, accommodation, hotels, motels or resorts. It is a popular ...
Learn about food science and healthy nutrition. Make better food choices for yourself or learn to help or counsel others.
Learn what to eat to optimise health. Prepare food to maintain nutrients, plan diets, and develop well-balanced menus.
Learn about food allergies, sensitivities, nutritional disorders and other problems associated with diet. Study food and nutrition and diet management for bette...
Deepen your knowledge in nutrition. This course is designed primarily for people who already have some related training or experience and seek to supplement the...
A qualification for people with prior experience or studies who seek to expand and fill in gaps in their knowledge and enhance career or business prospects in t...
Study tourism online. Learn about accommodation, transport, catering and service facilities. Start a career in managing and marketing holidays or tourism facili...
Study tourism for special target markets. Learn about business tourism, tourism for the elderly, cultural and arts tourism, food and wine tourism, and more.
Learn about the tasks involved in successfully planning and managing a wedding - hiring the band, liaising with the photographer, organising catering, finding t...
In my role within a large Aged Care Facility a great deal of my employment is spent in the area of Turf management and garden care/refurbishment. With ACS I was able to study at my own pace allowing me to put into practise and thoroughly research the subject matter broadening my knowledge and study experience further. I enjoyed the way in which the subject matter was presented as it allowed you to study each subject further, allowing for greater depth, clarity and knowledge.Overall there are not many areas in which the course subject matter will not turn out to be invaluable, everything is covered to allow you to become successful within your own business or place of employment. A big thank you to Gavin Cole [tutor] and all at ACS. It was a pleasure to study with ACS, look forward to further study.
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