Online photography courses, flexible study options and payment plan available, photography courses can help boost your career.
Successful photographers need both photographic skills and an ability to manage those skills in a business context - This is unique training that does all of th...
An extensive and broad-based training in practice and theory for media industry. This course provides a foundation for working with electronic or print media - ...
A very solid foundation for a new career in Photography; where you learn both technical and artistic elements of photography as well as applications in work and...
This online course combines photography and relevant IT skills. Learn photographic technology, lighting, digital manipulation of images and website development.
Extensive studies in photography, writing and management for people who wish to combine written and photographic skills. Work in media or publishing.
Gain the skills to take professional photos. A foundation online course for serious photographers for professional development, to start a business or get a job...
Professional training in photography. Learn how to do business in the photo industry. Improve your technical skills in taking photos, selling supplies and proce...
Learn how to take photographs using a digital camera. Study equipment, computer applications, editing software, photographic composition, and more.
Graphic Design skills and knowledge are essential for anyone who works in marketing and business. Learn what you will need to know about designing business and ...
Learn the tools of taking a good photograph. In this online course you will learn how to use a camera, the effect of light, photographic technique and how to im...
Study online the basics of film and digital photography. Learn how images are captured, how to use photographic equipment, processing and developing camera film.
Study the principles of landscape photography online. Learn how to create effects and develop your style photographing natural landscapes, streetscapes and water.
Learn how to use light in photography. Gain an understanding of sensiometry, sources of light, filters, manipulating light and how they influence the image.
Learn how to plan and choose appropriate photos for a purpose. Learn about the composition and presentation of photos and how to make a portfolio for a job or p...
Study the techniques used for photographing people and landscapes, using black and white, sports photography, illustrative photography and images for publishing.
Be able to take a good photo and identify problems by learning online about image formation, lighting, lenses, filters, colour and sensitometry. For film and di...
Learn the techniques for photographing people. Develop your understanding of portraiture and gain skills in wedding, action, fashion and nude photography.
Study photojournalism practice online to learn how to select photos and articles for publication and how to meet the requirements of an editor and publisher.
Learn the basics of photoshop. This this online course teaches you image processing techniques used by professionals to create and manipulate artwork..
Taking photos while travelling presents many challenges. Learn online how to manage equipment and develop your style to photograph a variety of subjects and sce...
100 hour online training to learn wedding photography. A course for event planners, photographers, or anyone wanting to improve or broaden their photo skills.
[The course] provides a thorough introduction to the practices of Life Coaching. It provides very good learning materials and practical assignments at end of each lesson. The comments from my tutor are always very encouraging and positive. The services from school administrative staff are excellent [and] the course is recognised by Association of Coaching, UK.
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