Learn to make Better Use of Plants in Permaculture
This is a course for people who already have a basic understanding of permaculture and want to move their knowledge to the next level.
There are tens of thousands of different plants that can be used in a
permaculture system so we have crammed a lot of information into this study program - for if you are up for the challenge, it can be an excellent way to develop and extend your permaculture expertise.
Our team of tutors have extensive experience in production horticulture
and sustainable land management as well as permaculture. They come from
across both Australia and the UK and will help to guide you through your course..
Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Permaculture Gardens –Different Garden Systems
Ways of growing plants
Environmental conditions
Plant establishment
Growing in spirals
No Dig Beds or Composting Mounds
Organic Growing
Helping Plant Establishment
Trickle or Drip Irrigation
Common types of organic mulch
Rules for How to mulch
Problems with mulching
Living mulch
Tree guards
Reduced cultivation
Crop rotation
Establishing plants on slopes –pocket planting, slope serration, wattling
Planting on arid sites
Direct seeding
Spray seeding
No till planting in lawns
Raised beds
Growing in pots
Biodynamics introduction
Biodynamic principles
Developing a biodynamic property
Biodynamic preparations and sprays
Soil degradation
Understanding and managing erosion
Soil acidification
Soil compaction
Chemical residues in soils
Improving damaged soils
Set Task
Design –Planning Techniques and Skills
The design process
Gathering information and pre planning
Planning and design
Drawing the permaculture plan
Design Procedure – thirteen steps
How to represent different components on a drawn plan
Criteria for choosing the plants
Maintaining biodiversity in permaculture
Designing for low maintenance
Plants for small places
Lime loving plants
Useful conifers
Nut producing conifers
Other edible parts of conifers
Conifers as a source of oils, resins, building timber
Cypress and Pines
Set task
Sector Planning
Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Designing and Planting a firebreak
Fire prone areas
How to arrange a firebreak
Fire resistant plants
Windbreaks, hedges and screens
Hedges for different conditions
Plants for windbreaks
Long narrow spaces
Growing plants in shade
Plants suited to full shade
Frost hardy plants
Coastal planting
Strategies for dealing with salt and wind
Hardy plants for inner city gardens
Pollution resistant plants
Nuts to grow in Permaculture -Aleurites, Argan, Athertonia, Barringtonia, Fagus, Brabejum, Castanospermum, Gevuina, Coconut, Couepia, Quercus and many others
Set task
Design for Natural Pest, Disease and Weed Control
Understanding natural pest control
Bio control
Advantages and disadvantages of bio control
Natural pest controls with herb extracts
Other techniques for natural insect control
Understanding insecticidal properties of different plants
Natural weed control
Weed control with cultivation, mulch biological controls, grazing, etc.
Growing grain crops on a small scale
Hull less oats
Amaranth and Quinoa
Set task
Complimentary Planting -Companion Planting
How reliable is companion planting
Repellent plants
Attractant plants
Plants that impact on the soil conditions
Planting combinations that may be mutually beneficial
Combinations sometimes considered undesirable
Plants that can improve soil –alfalfa, borage, caraway and others explained.
Green manure crops
Decoy plants
Nitrogen fixation
Legumes in permaculture
Cover crops
Grain crops
Plants for pets –dogs, cats, poultry
Set task
Appropriate Technology in Permaculture Design
Energy conservation technology
Building biology
Environmental impact on buildings
Building location
Air quality and allergies
Temperature and humidity
EMR and creation of electric fields
Solar energy
Greenhouses: design and function
Passive solar energy collection and active systems
Conservation and recycling
Kitchen waste management
Water saving measures
Environmentally friendly gardening
Growing Berries
Strawberry growing
Raspberry cultivation
Bramble Berry growing
Other berries –gooseberries, mulberry, etc
Set task
Water Gardens
Planting in wet places
Understanding wet areas
Overcoming problems
Plants suited to bog gardens
Why have water in a permaculture garden
Designing for wet places
Managing water in sun or shade
Water life
Managing a healthy pond
Plants that can damage ponds
Plants suitable for water –submerged, floating and bog plants
Growing water chestnut
Establishing a water garden
Creating a pond with a liner
Constructing a small dam or pond
Waste water treatment with reed beds
Set task
Knowing Plants –Tree Crops
What zone to grow in
Orchard species suited to permaculture
Understory plants
Leguminous companions
Actinorhizal companions
Planning for intercrop species
Tropical orchards
Dry land orchards
Fukuoka System
Nut trees
American hazelnut
Harvest, storage and processing of nuts
Nut toxins
Fruit trees
Peaches and nectarines
Set task
Knowing Plants – Vegetables and Herbs
Choosing the right spot
Considering the soil
Feeding plants
Plant when conditions are favourable
Cultivation necessities – Mulching, Rotating crops, watering, Pest control
Planting to maximize harvest
Planting vegetables
Disease resistance in vegetables –beans, corn, peas, lettuce, tomatoes.
Vegetables to grow in a permaculture system
Brussel Sprouts
Capsicum Eggplant
Silver beet Sweet potato
Allium –chives, garlic, shallots etc
Other herbs
Set task
Giving the Garden a Central Focus
The mandala garden concept
Keyhole beds
Herb spirals
Step by step construction of a mandala garden
Centre pond
Weed barrier
Outside the Mandala
Planting out
Organic materials – ashes, feathers, hay, leaves, sawdust, prunings, etc.
Mulching vegetables and herbs
Set task
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Understand use and establishment of Permaculture gardens.
Understand basic principles of permaculture design.
Understand the role and function of zones in permaculture systems.
Develop knowledge of natural pest, disease, and weed control methods.
Understand the principles behind companion planting, and its function in permaculture gardens.
Understand the features of, and applications for appropriate technology in permaculture design.
Develop knowledge of the use of water gardens in permaculture design.
Develop knowledge of a range of plants suitable for permaculture systems.
Develop knowledge of a range of plants suitable for permaculture systems.
Design a Mandala garden.
What You Will Do
Observe and compare different types of natural gardens, and draw sketches
Describe how you would build a no dig garden approximately 10 X 3 metres in size.
Step by step work through a process of planning changes to a garden to make it into more of a permaculture system.
Practice drawing trees, walls, shrubs, rocks and fences, as you would draw them on a landscape plan.
Explain how knowledge of landscape drawing and planning relates to permaculture.
Collectand list preplanning information relevant to developing home into a permaculture system
Write a report explaining the five permaculture zones.
Create a table listing 50 different pest, disease and weed problems in one column, and an appropriate natural control method for each one in an adjacent column.
Make a list of companion plants.In one column, list the herb or companion plant.
Beside it list all of those vegetables, flowers and fruits which are said to benefit by being planted near to it.
Draw a plan for a fruit or vegetable garden which incorporates companion planting.
Explain briefly each of the companion planting interrelationships you have included in your plan.
Design a small and simple water garden for use in a permaculture system.
Design a large water garden for use in a permaculture system.
Compile a list of tree species which you think would be suitable for permaculture in your local area.
The list should include species which can be used for fruit, nut, shelterbelt, timber, fuel, forage, etc.
Design and build a herb spiral.
Design a vegetable and herb garden based on permaculture principles which would produce enough food to feed you and your family for the entire year.
List as many different central features as you can think of which could be used in a Mandala garden.
Planting Design in Sectors
Sector planning aims to channel external energies such as wind, fire, sun and flood - in a desirable direction.
Good planting design will protect property from bush fire, strong winds, flood or extreme heat if these factors are potential problems. In a cold climate, the same considerations will ensure that the sun's energy is caught and used where and when it is needed. In a dry climate, limited rainfall must also be caught and used to maximum benefit.
A garden or permaculture system is made up of various components (often called "elements") which can be chosen and arranged in many different combinations, and placed in many possible places. By considering what components you select, how you combine them, and where you place them with respect to factors such as slope, water storage, prevailing winds, etc; you are able to influence the way factors such as sun, fire, wind etc. move through and over the site.
Concepts such as sectors are far more site specific than the conceptual ideas of zones. Sectors are identified by existing factors that affect the property such as winds, sun direction, good/bad views, access, water sources, etc.
Sector planning considers the shielding, deflection or collection of various energies coming onto the property. Factors such as fire, wind or flood are protected and deflected away be the use/construction of embankments, dense trees, ponds, roads or stone walls. Likewise, designers may invite-in or exclude domestic and wild animals by the placement of nesting, foraging sources, barriers or screens. Therefore the designer is able to manage incoming energies.
Once the designer has identified sectors, drawings of zones and sectors can be overlaid on top of one another. An order of placement should start to develop. In other words no plant, structure or activity should be positioned without satisfying both sector and zone criteria. For example: a pine tree goes in zone 4 (infrequent visits) away from the fire danger sector (it accumulates fuel), towards the cold wind sector (pines are hardy windbreaks), and it should also bear edible nut for foraging.
Once zones and sectors are identified on plans, consideration must be given to slope and elevation. Slope will effect wind movement, drainage, runoff, erosion, temperature and solar collective capacity. Elevation will have a big effect on temperature, mist, frost, rainfall, etc.
A generalised profile of a sloped landscape represents a gently "S" shape where the top is named the plateau and the base the plains.
The upper plateau is used for ridge damming and farming. It is however subject to cold frost.
The upper convex slopes are generally left with natural forest for bank stabilisation. Cultivation at this point may result in severe erosion. Slopes greater than 18 degrees are strongly recommended to be maintained as forests.
Lower concave slopes are regarded as the better location for dwellings and diversion of dams and drains, but these are generally also very productive for agricultural purposes. Lower plains are high in agricultural rich soil, but large shallow dams are cheaper water storage facilities.
The main concern in design on a slope is water - both the beneficial and damaging effects.
As the designer one should be aware of how nature and the elements interact and develop their own patterns. By observing these patterns it should be possible to improve planning and efficiency of the design with consideration of all elements, sectors, zones, aspects and orientations. All of these factors impact upon what plants you use, and where you plant them.
- People who have completed our Permaculture I.
- Anyone who has studied our Permaculture Systems, or a PDC course with another school.
- Anyone who are wants to learn a lot more about plants that can be incorporated into a permaculture landscape.
- Anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and awareness of useful plants to grow on their own property as a move toward greater self sufficiency.
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