Study Anger Management Techniques to Help People Control Anger
We all experience anger, but some people find it difficult to control their anger. Since anger is a strong emotion, it can become overbearing. When this happens, people may overreact. This can draw other people in, and the anger escalates.
Anger management is about controlling excess anger and channeling it into constructive areas. There are many anger management techniques e.g. relaxation exercises, changing thought patterns, or learning how to communicate better to reduce stress levels. Each can be useful for different people or in different situations. Study this course to:
- Master your understanding of arousal processes.
- Determine how to recognise anger responses in others.
- Learn different techniques to help people control their anger.
- Develop skills to help people deal with their anger in more constructive ways.
Whilst we tend to construe anger as a bad thing, anger involves both positive and negative aspects. The negative aspects are all too familiar i.e. thinking becomes clouded, people become overly defensive, and they may act on anger in a violent or aggressive way. The positive aspects which are often overlooked are that we often express our feelings when we otherwise might repress them, we have heightened energy levels due to physiological arousal, and we can often solve problems and take control whilst we are in this elevated state.
The idea behind anger management is not to remove all anger, but to manage it by channeling it into the positive responses and away from negative ones. If anger is expressed in acceptable and appropriate ways then it can be constructive rather than destructive.
Lesson Structure
There are 9 lessons in this course:
Nature and Scope of Anger
The autonomic nervous system
Anger and arousal
Galvanic skin resistance
Voice stress analyser
Degrees of arousal
Difficulties of arousal theories
Theories of emotion
James Lange theory
Cannon Bard theory
Schachter's theory
Lazarus's appraisal theory
Weiner's attribution
Averill's social construction theory
Facial feedback theory
Managing Anger with Counselling
Causes of anger
Breaking personal rules
Self defence
Expression of anger
Counselling strategies
Empty chair technique
Recognising psychological arousal
Thought stopping
Relaxation exercises
Progressive muscle relaxation
Time out
Assertiveness training
Three steps in assertiveness training
Five stage assertiveness training interview
Mental blocks to assertiveness
Managing Anger with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Identifying antecedents
Assessment of anger
Beginning therapy
Teaching CBT
Disputing inferences and evaluations
Independence and blocks to change
Use of imagery
Emotional insight
Working with anger problems in CBT
Problems with CBT for anger management
Anger Management Techniques for Violence
Anger and violence
Causes of violence
Cold violence
Hot violence
Reactive violence
Tips for dealing with a violent client
Strategies for violence prevention
Action after violence
Managing violence against others
Mental disorders and violence
Anger Management for People with Mental Health Issues
DSM dimensions to diagnose mental illness
Dementia and anger
Supporting clients with dementia
Stages of grief
Tasks of mourning
Managing Anger in Children and Adolescents
Temper tantrums
Older children and anger
Psychological changes in girls
Psychological changes in boys
Eating problems
Adults sharing anger
Anger Management for People with Special Difficulties
People with personality disorders
Borderline personality disorders and treatment
Psychopath and treatment
Roid rage, symptoms and abuse
Anger Management Services
Anger management clinics
Courses and workshops
Group and individual work
Conflict management
Conflict handling techniques
Life coaching
Setting up an anger management consultancy
Deciding on a Course of Action
PBL Project to create and present a plan of anger management to support an individual experiencing serious anger difficulties.
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Discuss the nature and scope of anger including psychological and physiological manifestations.
Explain the biological, social and psychological causes of anger and the strategies used by counsellors to deal with the underlying causes in an effort to diffuse the build up of anger in people
Explain how anger problems can be addressed through the application of cognitive behavioural counselling
Discuss anger management techniques to diffuse violent outbursts and manage violence
Consider anger management issues for people with specific mental health issues.
Explain the causes of anger in children and adolescents, and review a wide range of techniques for addressing those issues.
Determine the nature and scope of anger management services in society.
Identify ways to support clients seeking anger management services
Evaluate a situation where anger is becoming a problem and determine an appropriate course to follow in response to the problem.
What is Anger
Like many other emotions, it is very difficult to give a precise definition of anger. In general terms, what we can say is that it is a strong reaction to an array of different situations such as being attacked, being restrained, losing one’s job, and so forth. You can probably think of many other instances which make you angry.
A definition of anger also usually includes physical reactions to the anger-provoking stimuli. For instance, clenched fists, facial expressions, deep sighs, and so on are all possible physical reactions. Many of these are autonomic nervous system responses, especially from the subdivision known as the sympathetic division which is associated with preparing the body for action. Indeed, anger can manifest in an attack response in many species.
One of the difficulties in defining anger is that different researchers and authors might include other emotional reactions such as hatred, hostility and rage under their definition of anger.
If you were to consult an English language dictionary you would probably find a definition along the lines of “a strong feeling caused by extreme displeasure”.
Some Techniques to Deal with Anger
In cases where anger is not severe and there is an imminent threat of violence, a counsellor may prefer to deal with anger rather than refer the angry client on to another professional. One of the techniques at the counsellor’s disposal is to help the client to recognise their anger and to express it within the safe environs of the counselling process.
This might begin by reflecting back feelings or thoughts e.g. “I can see that talking about this is making you angry”. However, if the client’s level of anger appears to escalate, then it is prudent for the counsellor to take control and divert the anger away from them.
Empty Chair Technique
One of the techniques used by Gestalt therapists is the ‘Empty Chair Technique’. This involves asking the client to face an empty chair and imagine it is occupied by someone with whom they are angry. The client is then encouraged to express their feelings of anger towards the ‘person’ in the chair. They should address the person they are angry with directly and may need to be guided to do so e.g. “I'm really angry with you, Dad…” rather than “I'm really angry with my Dad”. This helps them to be more open and less reserved.
The advantage of this method is that the anger is not directed towards the counsellor. Also, the client can vocalise their anger and get it off their chest. Encouraging a client to express their anger should not be attempted with someone with a known history of violence, someone with a known mental health disorder, or someone who clearly has difficulties in controlling their actions.
Recognising Physiological Arousal
As we discussed in Lesson 1 there are a wide range of physiological changes which can occur in the body when we become angry. Although we probably mostly experience the same symptoms, the degree or notability of symptoms might be different for different people. For instance, one person who becomes angry might notice that their cheeks become hot and flushed. Another person might notice that they clench their fists or teeth. It is important for the angry client to learn to recognise these symptoms so that when they feel them happening, they can either use them as cues to take control over their anger, or they can choose to release the angry outburst. Either way, learning to recognise their physiological cues provides them with a choice as to what happens next. There’s no harm in releasing anger every now and then but to do it continuously would destroy relationships around them.
There are several courses of action a client might take once they have come to recognise the physiological changes which occur when anger wells up.
Thought Stopping
The client may say ‘stop’ to themselves when they feel themselves becoming angry. Typically the physiological changes will be accompanied by angry thoughts and so thought-stopping is a technique whereby they can arrest those angry thoughts. One method is to imagine they are looking at themselves from outside their body. Another method is to begin breathing more slowly and perhaps count from 1-10 inside their head. This helps the muscles of the body to relax.
A variation on this them is the ‘stop, think, do’ approach or traffic lights. Whilst it is sometimes used with children to control behaviour it can also work with adults. The client is encouraged to envision a red traffic light signifying ‘stop’ when they feel themselves becoming angry. They then ‘think’ about what action to take, and then they ‘do’ that action. The provision of the thinking stage allows them to make a choice about how they respond.
Relaxation Exercises
As alluded to above, relaxation is an important means of learning to manage anger. Breathing exercises involve taking in a deep breath, pausing for a couple of seconds, and then exhaling until the lungs are empty. In the counselling room, the client might lower their head forward slightly as they do this and allow their arms to become limp, hanging down over either side of the chair. When they breathe in, they might say to themselves “breathing in relaxation”. As they breathe out, they could say “breathing out anger”. If they do this for several minutes they will feel their physiological arousal slowly disappear.
How This Course Can Help You
Anger is a normal response to emotional arousal. Some people, however, have abnormal anger responses or difficulties controlling their anger. When this becomes problematic for them, they need to find non-destructive ways to control their anger. This course guides students through what it means to be angry – physiologically and psychologically, and different strategies which can be implemented to help people deal with their anger. Graduates will have the knowledge of how to apply anger management in counselling or other settings.
Suitable for:
This course is intended to appeal to people working in, or proposing to work in:
- Conflict Resolution
- Legal Services
- Law Enforcement
- Counselling
- Psychology
- Healthcare professions
- Personnel management
- Teaching
- Human relations
- Coaching
- Social Services
- Youth Work
If you would like to learn techniques to help other people control their anger, then enrol today for this distance learning course.
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