Getting their attention is the starting point -and you need to be noticed if there is ever any chance of that happening.
Did you Know?
In retailing (at least), shoppers can be categorised into the following four groups:
1. Economic Shoppers: Most interested in prices, value, product quality & economic factors. Not so interested in treatment by staff, decor of the store, location etc.
2. Personalising Shoppers: Enjoy the interaction with sales staff, preferring to shop with sales staff they know & like.
3. Ethical Shoppers: Avoid large chain stores or companies that tend towards monopolies or deal with products which are judged unethical. Don't shop at big supermarkets because "they are putting the small man out of business" Prefer to buy food from the biodynamic shop because it hasn't been treated with chemicals... etc
4. Apathetic Shoppers: Don't like shopping, and go to the most convenient supplier.
Through an understanding of things such as this, a sales or marketing person is able to better manage their marketing effort, and conduct their work in a more efficient and appropriate way. This is just one of many aspects to this course.
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
People as Consumers
Scope and nature of marketing
Reasons for marketing
Types of customers: loyal, discount, needs based, wandering, impulse
Economic, economic, personal, apathetic shoppers
Understanding reward options: rational, sensory, social, ego satisfaction
Influence on customers
Physical factors
Consumer problems
Behavioural intention
Market Segmentation
Psychological segmentation
Segmentation by usage
Segmentation by benefit
Global segmentation
Entry into foreign markets
Total Product concept
Personal influences
Diffusion of new products
Internal Influences Perception & Personality
The senses: vision, hearing and smell.
Multi sensual marketing
Thresholds of awareness
Sensory adaptation
Selective perception
Perceptual distortion
Perceptual cues
Gestalt psychology
The Phi phenomenon
Subliminal perception
Product image and self image
Personality theory and application to marketing
The Rorschach Ink Blot Test
Non Freudean and Freudean theories
Self theory
Self image marketing
Trait theory
Brand personality
Relationship segmentation
Internal Influences -Motivation and Awareness
Behavioural approach
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Cognitive approach
Memory and marketing
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Different motivations
Antecedents of involvement
Properties of involvement
Outcomes of involvement
Specific needs
Unconscious motivation
Creating needs
Social Influences
Understanding society
Family influences
Family changes
Family life cycle
Institutional affects
Consumer socialisation
Family consumer decisions
Conflict resolution
Changing roles
Social and developmental influences
Influences on children
Marketing and advertising
Small groups, Formal and informal groups
Membership and reference groups
Reference groups and consumer behaviour
Variability of products
Differences in consumer susceptibility
Influence of social class
Measuring class, class categories and changing class
Marketing and Consumer behaviour
Cultural influences, communication, ideals and actualities
Differences in culture: sub cultures, ethnicity, changes in culture
Why study the consumer
What is a consumer
History of consumerism
Changes in consumer experience
The supplier
Business ethics
International ethics
The market place
Consumer action
False and deceptive advertising
Methods of false advertising misrepresentation, insufficient details, price based methods etc.
Communication and Persuasion
Attitudes and the concept of attitude to how attitudes form
How attitudes are changed
Practical applications for marketing
Message evaluation and selection
Message execution
Celebrity testimonials
What words sell
Deciding to Buy
Making a decision
Rational decisions
Heuristic Procedures
The decision making process -step by step
Trend toward home shopping
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Identify categories of shoppers.
Describe the key concepts of Market Segmentation
Determine the role of perception and personality in the marketing process
Determine the factors that motivate a consumer toward a purchase.
Define how social factors influence a consumers behaviour
Discuss consumerism in the context of marketing.
Determine the factors that influence consumer attitude and marketing communication and persuasion.
Apply the concept of multi - element buying decisions.
Understanding how people think about what they buy is extremely valuable information; but as with any information; it is only useful when it is used properly.
Whilst some elements of psychological theories have been applied to marketing to good effect, this has not always been the case. The application of behavioural theories and market research as espoused by JB Watson is one of the better uses.
Biofeedback measures have also been used to try and establish associations between arousal levels and the marketing of products. This may involve a research participant wearing a GSR (galvanic skin response) device on their finger which records increases in perspiration. As such, marketing materials which create a greater response may be singled out and used more extensively. 
In recent years there has been increased interest in 'neuromarketing'. This generally involves asking research participants to review various products, advertisements, and related marketing paraphernalia whilst undergoing an MRI scan. The areas of the brain which show stimulation are then correlated with the material to look for patterns of stimulation. This field of enquiry is likely to see a lot more exploration as time goes on.
Although the link between consumer's buying behaviour and the marketing of products is not as clear cut as many in the field would like to think, it is clear that some types of marketing do have an effect. For instance, product placement in television dramas would seem to influence young people more than older people, if only because they use their observations in social discourses which help to form their sense of identity.
Despite some products and advertising campaigns failing badly, there are many examples of others which worked with great impact, and so the desire to find new ways to tap into people's needs and wants will always be there.
Take the first step toward being better in Marketing, Sales or Public Relations.
Learn to understand the customer.
- Do you understand target markets, consumer behaviour, gathering data, and ways to market goods or services in different types of selling environments.
- Everyone may be an individual; but groups of people also share common characteristics. Recognise this, discover the things that will get the attention of a particular group, and you are then half way toward successful marketing
Where this Course Can Lead?
Graduates will have an enhanced understanding of the way a potential customer thinks.
They will understand the things that cause a person to consider one product or service rather than other options.
They will know the triggers that cause a customer to make a decision to buy, and then act on that decision.
This knowledge is rarer than you might think in the world of business; but properly learned and applied; it makes all the difference between success and failure -between selling and not selling.
Learn these things and you will be far better equipped to:
- Make a success of your own business
- Write more effective advertising copy
- Work in any job in sales or marketing
- Work in PR
- Work as a business coach or consultant
- Help people who have developed financial problems through excessive spending
- Undertake further studies in Business or Marketing
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