Learn to Propagate Plants
- Save money
- Grow the plants that you want
- Propagating plants is a rewarding hobby
- Use your new knowledge to start a business
An average home garden can contain over 300 plants, and with the average plant costing up to $10.00 or more; it is easy to see how a lot of money can be saved by learning to propagate your own. Plants don't last forever either; so an initial cost of $3,000 to plant out a garden can continue eating into your budget year after year, as old plants die or go our of favour and need replacing
Foe some, propagating plants may be purely a way to save money; for others it can develop into a rewarding hobby, or even a profitable small business
“Learning about propagating your own plants will save you loads of money and give you a great hobby. Some of the toughest and most beautiful gardens I have seen were created with home made cuttings. Horticultural experts will show you how.” - Tracey Morris Dip.Hort., Cert.Hort., Cert III Organic Farming, ACS Tutor.
Lesson Structure
There are 9 lessons in this course:
Methods of Propagation
Propagation methods - sexual and asexual
Plant classification
Decisions before starting
Propagating in pots or the ground
Growth stages
Propagating Structures and Techniques
Growing in a greenhouse
What can you grow?
Types of greenhouses
Heated or unheated
Siting a greenhouse -orientation, benches
Cold frames
Heated propagators
Shade houses - gable, flat roofed, flat arched, tunnel
Propagating Materials
Common propagation media mixes
Components - vermiculite, perlite, sand
Potting media
Potting soil mixes
Pine bark
Factors affecting fertiliser application - cation exchange capacity, pH
Propagation containers
Containers for potting up plants
Propagation tools - secateurs, knives
Seed Propagation
Introduction to seed propagation
Collecting and handling seed
Cross pollination
Time to collect seed
Germination fundamentals
Germination treatments - soaking, chilling, burning
Stimulating germination
Where to sow seed - containers, open bed, protected bed
Storing seeds
Seed storage viability factors
Types of seed storage -open, dry, cold, cold moist
Handling seedlings - watering, disease control, thinning, environmental control, transplanting
Pricking out or tubing seedlings
Propagating ferns from spore
Propagating by Cuttings
Why cuttings
How to propagate a cutting
Types of cuttings - the area of plant tissue used, the tenderness or age of tissue
Softwood cuttings
Semi hardwood cuttings
Hardwood cuttings
Treatment of the cutting
Herbaceous cuttings
Tip cuttings
Heel cuttings
Nodal cuttings
Basal cuttings
Cane cuttings
Root cuttings
Leaf cuttings
Other cuttings
Stock plants
Hormone treatment alternatives - auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins
Improving strike rate
How to maintain plants in pots -Potting, Feeding, Watering
Ventilation, light temperature
Growing on areas
Hardening off rooted cuttings
Miscellaneous Propagating Techniques
Types of layering - tip, mound, simple, compound, aerial
Natural layering - suckers, runners, offsets, crowns
Using parts of specialised stems and roots to propagate
Propagating bulbs from offsets
Bulblet formation on scales
Stem cuttings
Basal cuttage and scooping
Corm division
Tuber division
Culm cuttings
Division of orchids
Dividing and separating perennials
Tissue culture
Budding and Grafting
Reasons for budding and grafting
How a graft forms
Factors influencing graft healing - compatibility, temperature, moisture, polarity, etc
Carpentry of grafting
What can be grafted onto what
Types of grafts
Whip and Tongue graft
Top graft and side graft
Approach graft
Other graft types - nurse seed, irrigated, root
Lilac grafting
Soft tissue grafting
Grafting tapes
Propagation of Specific Plants
Choosing species to propagate
Nursery Management
Specialist nurseries
Typical propagation methods for selected plants
Layout and Organisation of a Propagating Area
Plants and water
Understanding water excess and deficiency
Greenhouse irrigation methods
Runoff and leachate
Irrigation practices
Irrigation systems for propagation
Pulse watering
Water cans
Pest and Disease management - cleanliness, U.C. system, IPM
Nursery nutrition
Plant modification methods
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Obtain leaflets or catalogues plus prices for a range of plant containers.
Obtain samples of at least 6 different potting soil components and make up a mix which could be used for general potting of outdoor shrubs and trees into 6 inch pots.
Collect samples of at least six types of plant labels.
Collect at least three different types of seed to plant and germinate.
Obtain catalogues or price lists from at least six companies or organisations which supply seed.
Put in cuttings of at least three different types of plants.
Use diagrams to explain how you would grow four different cuttings.
Contact a bulb or herb farm to research the type of propagation program they have.
Carry out aerial layering.
Practice budding and grafting.
Prepare a work schedule for a propagation set up.
Design the layout for a new nursery or propagation area which would be ideal for your purposes.
Learn How Plants are Propagated?
There are many different ways of producing plants though most plants are produced commercially by either seed or cutting propagation. ‘Tissue culture’ or ‘micropropagation’ techniques carried out in a laboratory are sometimes used where very large numbers of one plant variety are required quickly, or where limited propagation stock is available. Other plants (eg. roses, deciduous fruit and ornamental trees) are traditionally produced by budding and grafting onto seed or cutting grown rootstocks. Division and separation are commonly used for the propagation of bulbs and herbaceous perennials.
Other propagation techniques (eg. layering or marcotting) may be important in the propagation of some specific types of plants; however they are relatively insignificant when taking a broad view of the nursery industry.
Sexual propagation involves growing a plant from a seed or spore which has been produced by fertilization of the female part of a plant by the male part. Plants grown this way can have some characteristics of one parent and some characteristics from the other parent. A sexually propagated plant is not always exactly the same as the plant from which the seed or spores were taken. Most flowering annuals, vegetables, biennials and perennials are grown this way. Ferns and some trees and shrubs are also propagated sexually in the nursery industry.
Asexual or vegetative propagation involves producing a new plant from only one parent. A part of an existing plant such as a piece of stem, leaf or root, is treated in some way so that it can produce a new plant. In asexual propagation, the parent plant and offspring are genetically identical. A range of techniques can be used for asexuall propagation.
Runners are shoots that grow along the ground from axillary buds and produce roots at the nodes. Plants such as strawberries are produced from runners.
Suckers are new shoots that develop from the root of the parent plant. Suckers can be divided when they have developed independent root systems. Plants such as raspberries can be produced from suckers.
Layering is the process of producing roots on the stem of a plant. There are several forms of layering:
Tip layering is the development of roots on the growing tips of stems. This form is used to propagate blackberry, raspberry, boysenberry;
Simple layering is the development of roots along growing stems. This form is used to propagate honeysuckle, filbert, spiraea, rhododendron, magnolia;
Trench layering or etiolation layering involves pegging down new shoots so that they develop roots. This method is used for fruits and nuts such as apple, pear, filbert, walnut;
Mound or stool layering involves burying the bulk of the parent plant so that roots form along the stems. This method is used for apple stock, cherry stock, currant.;
Air Layering is the development of roots on aerial stems through specific management methods. This technique is utilised for figs, monstera, philodendron, camellia, rhododendron, azalea, holly, magnolia, lilac;
Compound layering is the process of producing layers multiple times along the one shoot. This method is used for grape, philodendron, wisteria, magnolia , lilac.
New bulbs and corms produced vegetatively are separated from the parent plants to provide new propagation stock.
- Bulbs: Hyacinth, lily, narcissus, tulip;
- Corms: Gladiolus, crocus.
Particular root structures such as rhizomes, tubers, and clumping crowns are suitable for division.
- Rhizomes: canna, iris;
- Offsets: leek, pineapple, date;
- Tubers: potato, dahlia;
- Crowns: phlox.
This involves taking a section of stem from one plant and attaching it to another plant in such a way that the two will grow together. Grafting enables you to change the variety of an existing plant. (ie: By attaching a variety which you want to an existing root system you can remove the old top and have a plant comprising the roots of one variety and the top of another). Plants which can be grafted include apples, pear, peach, almond, citrus, avocado, camellia, ash, birch, elm, walnut.
A cutting is a piece of root, stem or leaf which has been treated in a way that stimulates it to grow roots, stems and leaves; hence producing another new plant. Whilst there are different types of cuttings, the majority of cuttings are pieces of stem, often with some leaves left at the top.
Cutting propagation can be carried out on a very wide variety of plants, and second to seed propagation, it is the most commonly used method of producing new plants. Cutting propagation is most commonly used for shrubs, indoor plants and many herbaceous perennials.
- Save Money - a home garden can use well over 1,000 plants.
- Increase your success rate - plants that are propagates on your property are acclimatised to your property, and often more likely to succeed when planted
- It's fun
- Propagating can be very satisfying - it can easily become a passion
- It is therapeutic - neurological research shows that connecting with nature can lower stress, not to mention the physical exercise benefits
- Make money - sell any excess plants; or give them away
- Develop a skill - if you get really good - home propagation can lead to a job or a business of your own.
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