Learn to Support People Living with Disabilities
There are many types of disabilities. Some are temporary and others permanent. A person may be physically disabled after an accident and require specific support during recovery; Someone else may have a disability that is with them for life. Some disabilities can be stable and others may progress and change over time. Some disabilities are highly visible e.g. loss of mobility, others are more subtle e.g. vision loss or intellectual disability.
Often physical disabilities and psychological disabilities co-occur. How people cope with disabilities varies too. Living with a disability can be more of a psychological or physical challenge for some people than others.
This course aims to broaden and deepen your appreciation of the diversity of disabilities that exist, and to have a better capacity to respond to and support challenges faced by any disabled person.
Study this course to:
- Explore the nature, scope, and impact of different types of disabilities.
- Determine different solutions for different circumstances.
- Learn way to support people with disabilities at home, work, and in leisure.
Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Nature and Scope of Disability Support
Models of disability
Medical model
Social model
Definitions of disability
Key terminology
Human rights
Underpinning human rights values - fairness, respect, equality, dignity, autonomy
Diversity in the social context
What equality means for those with disabilities
Inclusivity and disabilities
What influences inclusion
Socio economic influences
Life skills development
Nature of Physical Disabilities
Sensory disabilities
Physical Mobility Disabilities
Cerebral Palsy
Muscular Dystrophy
Motor Neurone Disease
Amputees, Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and Quadriplegia
Chronic pain and Arthritis
Neurological disorders - Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis
Speech disorders
Speech and Language Therapy
Providing individualised support
Nature of Learning Differences
What is a learning difference
Developmental language disorder
Auditory processing disorder
Visual perceptual motor disorder
Non verbal learning disorder
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Autism spectrum disorder
Intellectual disability
How learning differences are identified and diagnosed
Importance of early diagnosis/screening
Who diagnoses
When do diagnoses occur
Who authorises in school and/or assessment judgements
Provide individualised support
Common whole school procedural/policy adjustments
Common class adjustments
Aspects to include
Common assessment adjustments
Role of home schooling and distance education
Inclusive Learning Experiences and Environments
Role of teachers and trainers
Special Education Needs Coordinators
The physical environment
Alternative technologies
Inclusivity in the Workplace
Diversity and inclusion
Inclusivity models for the workplace
Sense of belonging
Fair chance for career progression
Physical factors to ensure inclusivity
Catering for visual disabilities
Wheelchair access
Catering to intellectual disabilities
Catering for poor balance, coordination or fine motor control
Catering for hearing difficulties
Support with manual tasks
Adaptations in tools and equipment
Physical support
Understanding ergonomics
Protective gear
Hand protection
Eye protection
Machine guards
Floors and walkways
Equity and fair pay
Independent Living and In Home Support
Safety factors
Important factors in nutrition - ingredients, variety. compatibility, cooking methods, additional requirements.
Meal preparation
Cleaning and home care
People who help - communication, daily activities
Overnight care sleeping difficulties
Domestic services
Pet care or assistance pets
Financial management
Health Care and Inclusivity
What is a need
Person centred service responses
Occupational Therapists
Complimentary Health Services
Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals
Psychologists and counsellors
Supporting diabled people through grief and loss
Support through health changes and deterioration
Physical changes
Support through debilitating or terminal illness diagnosis
Safeguarding vulnerable adults
Physical aids for wellbeing
Sport, Leisure and Travel
Barriers - physical, informational, logistical, psychological
Effects of inactivity
Exercise and age
What happens during and after exercise
Models of Inclusivity in Sport and Activities - TREE model
Sports and leisure clubs
Being active in the home
Relationships and Community Participation
Autism and relationships
Maintaining existion friendsgips
RomantiParticipation and social inclusion in the wider community
Getting about - transport
c relationships
Online community - grooming, social media assistance
Working in Disability Care and Support
Social care funding
Managing risk and compliance
Supply, installation and maintenance of aids/equipment
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Investigate diversity and describe different ways that inclusivity serves for equality of opportunity.
Examine physical support needs and strategies for empowerment.
Examine learning support needs for people with learning differences and strategies for empowerment.
Create Inclusive Learning Experiences and Environments
Explain how to create inclusivity in workplaces.
Determine strategies for independence for disabled people in their homes.
Describe how health care services respond to the needs of disabled people
Describe how leisure and sporting venues and facilities or transportation cater for the needs of disabled people.
Examine social including and community participation for the overall wellbeing of disabled people.
Analyse workplace requirements for safe, ethical, and professional practice in care and support roles.
Scope of this Course
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities defines disability as:
“Long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder (a person's) full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others”.
Disabilities can be physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, intellectual, or mental. They may also be a combination of any of these types.
This course explores the scope and nature of disability and disabled support to help the student better respond to issues faced by persons living with a disability; whatever the disability might be.
What Can This Course Do For You?
This course is ideal for anyone working in, or wishing to work in, the caring professions. It could open doors or serve as professional development for a role in:
Care homes
Nursing homes
Caring for people at home
Disability support worker
Occupational therapy
Different therapy roles - horticultural therapy, ecotherapy, creative therapies, etc.
Whether you are a family member, volunteer, part-time worker, or full-time worker, enrol in this course to enhance your skills caring for people with diverse disabilities.
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