Certificate in Youth Leadership

Study youth leadership online to work as a youth leader in youth support and counselling. Learn skills in giving instructions, understanding young people's needs, managing groups, planning and evaluating and creating learning opportunities.

Course Code: VRE015
Fee Code: CT
Duration (approx) Duration (approx) 600 hours
Qualification Certificate
Get started!

Do you have a lively and approachable personality?  Do you enjoy working with children in an activity based environment? 


Study to gain the skills and knowledge needed to secure a job in a challenging and rewarding role as a youth leader. By studying at home by distance education you can progress through this course at a pace which suits you. 


Youth leadership training is designed to give you confidence to work as a youth leader - you will be responsible for young people and will need effective communication skills to be successful.  Study this course to expand on your current knowledge or to build news skills for your career! 



Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Certificate in Youth Leadership.
 Play Leadership VRE101
 Recreation Leadership VRE100
 Bushcraft And Wilderness Activities (Survival Skills) BTR201
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 3 of the following 7 modules.
 Child Psychology BPS104
 Health & Fitness I BRE101
 Motivation VBS111
 Self Sufficiency I (Be More Self Sufficient) ASS100
 Adolescent Psychology BPS211
 Careers Counselling BPS202
 Developmental Psychology BPS210

Note that each module in the Certificate in Youth Leadership is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.


  • Key aims of play leadership include:
    • Explain the purpose of play in the cognitive, physical and social development of a child.
    • Develop a plan for a supervised children's play program.
    • Understand the impact of play upon the psychological development of a child.
    • Determine appropriate measures to take to protect a child's safety when at play.
    • Understand options for physical play activities, including games and sports.
    • To develop an ability to evaluate quality, safety features, appropriate applications of equipment.
    • Devlop the ability to plan, establish and manage a supervised adventure.
  • Key aims of recreation leadership include:
    • Learn about qualities which are required in a leader in different leadership situations.
    • Manage interpersonal relationships in support of effective leadership.
    • Communication leadership messages effectively to those you lead.
    • Select appropriate thought processes to follow in order to deal with different leadership problems.
    • Lead teams through innovative and creative processes.
  • Key aims of bushcraft and wilderness activities:
    • Be able to prepare for an excursion into a wilderness area
    • Determine appropriate methods of protecting against the elements.
    • Deal with a range of emergencies in a wilderness situation, including developing contingency plans and determining appropriate first aid.
    • Explain campsite establishment and management.
    • Determine appropriate procedures for managing different passive wilderness activities.
    • Determine appropriate procedures for managing different water based wilderness activities.
    • Determine appropriate procedures for managing different active wilderness activities

What You Will Do

  • Example of a set task from this course:
    • Interview three friends, acquaintances, or colleagues who you have had some contact with in a recreation setting. Interview each for approximately twenty minutes each. Ask them to think about leaders they have encountered in their lives. Who was the best leader? What qualities made them a good leader? Who was the worst leader? What traits made them a bad leader? (Please maintain confidentiality, do not use real names). Make notes of the comments.

What is Adolescent Peer Pressure?

As the reliance on their parents decreases, a teenager will begin to identify more with their peer group.  Early adolescent relationships generally involve one or two “best” friends of the same gender, with a wider circle of other friends.  One characteristic of these friendships is the similarity between the friends.  Generally they will be of a similar socioeconomic and racial background, from the same neighbourhood, school and grade, same age, with common interests, values and other friends.  Why are they so similar?  Primarily, because have similar people around them will serve a positive reinforcement of who the adolescents are, their values and choices.  Often, early adolescent relationships are intense, emotional and can be stormy. They have high expectations of each other and aren’t able to react well when they are not, displaying anger and frustration.  The egocentric nature of adolescents means their expectations of friends are totally unrealistic. As adolescents get older, they tend to make more friends of the opposite sex; however they do predominantly have friends of their own gender. Girls expect emotional support from friends, and disclose information to them.  Boys on the other hand tend not to disclose, unless they are bragging, and expect friends to provide concrete material help from friends.  As adolescent cognitive skills develop the fragile friendships begin to develop into more stable relationships.

Group Acceptance and Popularity
Boys tend to be concerned with status and attributes that give them group acceptance, while girls tend to be more concerned with forming stronger bonds with a smaller number of people.  However, all adolescents generally desire to be widely accepted by their peers.  Progressing from their early adolescent friendships, in middle adolescent years, teenagers will seek acceptance from a “crowd” they relate to and admire.  They can be very sensitive to criticism and negative reactions, are overly concerned with other people’s opinions about them and link their self worth to other people’s perceptions.  Adolescents strive to achieve popularity in a variety of ways. Individuals may try to conform with a group of people, developing a set of friends who are very similar to themselves.  Amongst adolescents, conformity is considered one of the most important requirements for popularity.  In contrast, other adolescents will purposeful seek to deviate from the accepted norms.  This deviance along with anti-social behaviours (fighting, trouble making, bullying, promiscuity) can make some adolescents popular with other delinquent teenagers.  Other teenagers may look up to them for their apparent “courage” in rejecting conformity and defying authority. Some adolescents will seek to use their achievements as a way of increasing their status and gaining approval from their peers.  Participation in group social activities and clubs can broaden the group of people an adolescent associates with, giving them more opportunities to strike up new friendships.  Developing personality and social skills are also very important in popularity and adolescents value such interpersonal skills highly when seeking friends.  Popular adolescents tend to be friendly, happy, fun-loving, outgoing and energetic, with good social skills. They also tend to be physically attractive.  People tend to relate better immediately to people they perceive as attractive, however, when time is taken to get to know people, less and less emphasis is placed on attractiveness.

Shyness increases during adolescence, as teenagers begin to examine themselves, begin to develop sexually and desire to be accepted.  Shyness is often referred to as social-evaluative anxiety and is a fear or anxiousness of behaving incorrectly or being the centre of attention.  The root cause is the basic fear of negative feedback.  Shy adolescents are more likely to turn to illicit drug use to overcome their feelings of social discomfort. 

Most adolescents experience feelings of loneliness, particularly as they begin to relate less to their parents.  Boys seem to have more trouble with loneliness than girls and this is perhaps because they are conditioned not to express their feelings as readily.  Loneliness can also be due to the adolescent’s insecurity, as they figure out how they should be behaving and interacting in different situations.  Some will avoid participation in activities from fear of rejection or embarrassment.  Loneliness that lingers unresolved for any period can become depression, and this is very serious. A lonely adolescent will respond to loneliness in different ways, depending on their personality.

Independent and outgoing adolescents will tend to engage in individual pursuits, keep busy and readjust their own outlook to make themselves happier.  More dependant individuals tend to rely on their social networks more, seek adult help, and look to religion or organised activities.  Other teenagers may not be able to cope at all and will begin to withdraw.


Since 1999 ACS has been a recognised member of IARC (International Approval and Registration Centre). A non-profit quality management organisation servicing education.
Since 1999 ACS has been a recognised member of IARC (International Approval and Registration Centre). A non-profit quality management organisation servicing education.
ACS is an Organisational Member of the Association for Coaching (UK).
ACS is an Organisational Member of the Association for Coaching (UK).
Member of Study Gold Coast Education Network.
Member of Study Gold Coast Education Network.
ACS Global Partner - Affiliated with colleges in seven countries around the world.
ACS Global Partner - Affiliated with colleges in seven countries around the world.
Since 1999 ACS has been a recognised member of IARC (International Approval and Registration Centre). A non-profit quality management organisation servicing education.
Since 1999 ACS has been a recognised member of IARC (International Approval and Registration Centre). A non-profit quality management organisation servicing education.

How can I start this course?

You can enrol at anytime and start the course when you are ready. Enrolments are accepted all year - students can commence study at any time. All study is self paced and ACS does not set assignment deadlines.

Please note that if a student is being assisted by someone else (e.g. an employer or government subsidy), the body offering the assistance may set deadlines. Students in such situations are advised to check with their sponsor prior to enrolling. The nominal duration of a course is approximately how long a course takes to complete. A course with a nominal duration of 100 hours is expected to take roughly 100 hours of study time to complete. However, this will vary from student to student. Short courses (eg. 100 hrs duration) should be completed within 12 months of enrolment. Certificates, Advanced Certificates and Awards (eg. over 500 hours duration) would normally be completed within 3 -5 years of enrolment. Additional fees may apply if a student requires an extended period to complete.
If a student cannot submit their assignments for 6 months to ACS, they should advise the school to avoid cancellation of their student
registration. Recommencement fees may apply.

Simply click on the ENROL OPTIONS button at the top of this screen and follow the prompts.

You can see the course price at the top of this page. Click 'enrolment options' to see any payment options available.

You can pay by Credit Card, PayPal, Afterpay or bank transfer.

Yes! We have payment plans for most courses. Click 'enrolment options' to see the available payment plans.
We also have Afterpay that will allow you to pay for your course or payment plans in four instalments (if you are in Australia).

What do I need to know before I enrol?

There are no entry requirements that you need to meet to enrol in our courses, our courses are for everyone.
If you are under 18, we need written permission from your parent/ guardian for your enrolment to continue, we can arrange that after you have enrolled.

You don’t need to purchase any additional resources to complete our courses.

We aim to teach you the essentials without you having to purchase any specific computer program.
We recommend that you have access to a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, so that you can easily complete and submit your assignments.

You sure can. We are here to help you learn whatever your abilities.

Yes, if you are enrolling in a Certificate or Advanced Certificate, you might be eligible for credits if you have evidence of your previous studies or relevant experience. More information is here.

We recommend that you are able to browse websites, send emails and conduct online research. You will need to be able to type and submit your assignments.
If you have limited computer skills, we can make special arrangements for you.

This is possible, it depends on the institution. We recommend that if you would like to use our courses that you contact the institution first. Our Course Handbook is a good resource for this.

Our courses are written in English and we only have English speaking academic staff. If you can read and complete your assignments in English, our courses are ideal for you.

Our courses are designed to build knowledge, hands on skills and industry connections to help prepare you to work in the area, running your own business, professional development or as a base for further study.

This course is aimed at providing you with a solid understanding in your selected discipline. It has been designed to take 600 hours, which includes your course reading, assignment work, research, practical tasks, watching videos and more. When you complete the course, will have a good understanding of the area/ industry you want to work in.

It’s up to you. The study hours listed in the course are a rough guide, however if you were to study a short course (100 hours) at 10 hours per week, you could finish the course in 10 weeks (just an example). Our courses are self-paced, so you can work through the courses in your own time. We recommend that you wait for your tutor to mark and return your assignment before your start your next one, so you get the benefits of their feedback.

The course consists of course notes, videos, set tasks for your practical work, online quizzes, an assignment for each lesson (that you receive feedback from your tutor from) and ends in an exam (which is optional, if would like to receive the formal award at the end), using our custom built Learning Management System - Login.Training.

Our courses are designed for adults to gain professional development and skills to further their careers and start businesses.

Our custom online learning portal allows you to conduct your learning online. There may be practical tasks that you can do offline. You have the option of downloading your course notes or print them to read later.

There is also the option to pay an additional fee for printed course notes and or USB (availability limited to location and deliverability).

Yes, if you don’t have access to the internet, you can receive the course as paper notes or on a USB stick for an additional fee. We can also make alternative arrangements for you to send your assignments to us.

We offer printed notes for an additional fee. Also, you can request your course notes on a USB stick for an additional fee.

Yes, your tutor is here to help you. Simply post any questions you have in your login.training portal or contact the office and we can pass on a message to your tutor.

We are more learning focussed, rather than assessment focussed. You have online quizzes to test your learning, written assignments and can complete an exam at the end of the course (if you want to receive your certificate). You will not receive a pass/ fail on your course work. If you need to add more details on your assignment, we will ask you to resubmit and direct you where you need to focus. If you need help, you can ask your tutor for advice in the student room.

Each module (short course) is completed with one exam.

Exams are optional, however you must sit an exam if you would like to receive a formal award. You will need to find someone who can supervise that you are sitting the exams under exams conditions. There is an additional cost of $60 incl. GST for each exam.
More information is here

There are practical components built into the course that have been designed to be achieved by anyone, anywhere. If you are unable to complete a task for any reason, you can ask your tutor for an alternative.

When you complete the course work and the exams (6 exams) and you will be able receive your course certificate- a Certificate. Otherwise, you can receive a Letter of Completion.

You can bundle the short courses to create your own customised learning bundle, Certificates or Advanced Certificates. More information is on this page.

Yes, our courses are built to be applicable for people living anywhere in any situation. We provide the fundamentals, and each student can apply their own unique flair for their own interests, region and circumstances with the one-on-one guidance of a tutor. There is also a bit of student directed research involved.

Employers value candidates with industry skills, knowledge, practical skills and formal learning. Our courses arm you with all of these things to help prepare you for a job or start your own business. The longer you study the more you will learn.

ACS has an arrangement with OAMPS (formerly AMP) who can arrange Professional Indemnity from Australian and New Zealand graduates across all disciplines. Ph: 1800 222 012 or email acs@oamps.com.au.

Who are ACS Distance Education?

ACS Distance Education have been educating people for over 40 years.

We are established and safe- we have been in education for over 40 years.
We are focused on developing innovative courses that are relevant to you now and what you will need to know in the future.
We are focused on helping you learn and make the most of your experience.
You can enrol at any time, you can work on your course when it suits you and at your own pace.
We are connected to many industry bodies and our staff participate in continuous improvement and learning activities to ensure that we are ahead of what learning is needed for the future.

Our courses are not accredited by the Australian Government. However many of our courses are recognised and held in high regard by many industry bodies.

Our courses are written by our staff, who all have many years experience and have qualifications in their speciality area. We have lots of academic staff who write and update our courses regularly.

How do I enrol my staff/ sponsored students?

Yes, you can do a request for a bulk enrolment and request an invoice on our Invoice Request Form

We can prepare an invoice, quote or proforma invoice. Simply complete your details on our Invoice Request form

We can arrange bulk discounts for your course enrolment, please get in touch with us to discuss your needs.

Yes, we have many students who are in locked facilities, such as prisons or hospitals. We can cater by also offering paper notes at an additional cost.

What if I have any more questions or need more information?

We can assist you to find the right course for your needs. Get in touch with us via email (admin@acs.edu.au) call on +61 7 5562 1088 or complete our course advice form.

What if I change my mind?

Please get in touch with studentservices@acs.edu.au if you would like to be removed from our mail list.

If you would like ACS Distance Education to delete your information at any time (whether you are a customer or a prospective customer), please contact our privacy officer and we will process this ( admin@acs.edu.au ).

If students require a reproduction of their certificate, an electronic copy can be provided at a cost of AUD$35 incl GST. Printed copies are not available.

Course Contributors

The following academics were involved in the development and/or updating of this course.

Tracey Jones (Psychologist)

B.Sc. (Psych), M.Soc.Sc., Dip.Social Work, P.G.Dip Learning Disability, Cert Editing, Cert Creative Writing, PGCE.
Member British Psychological Society, Member Assoc. for Coaching, Member British Learning Assoc.
25 years industry experience in writing, editing, education, psychology, and business. Tracey has several books and hundreds of articles published; in both fiction and non fiction.


Meet some of the tutors that guide the students through this course.

Nicola Stewart

Nicola worked in publishing before changing direction to teach Anatomy, Physiology and various complementary therapies in the UK’s post-compulsory sector for 16 years. She is the published author of 10 books, plus a range of magazine articles and has also ghost-written across a number of genres. When she is not working for ACS, she provides specialist literacy tuition for children with dyslexia.

Yvonne Sharpe

Over 30 years of experience in horticulture, education and management, Yvonne has travelled widely within and beyond Europe, and has worked in many areas of horticulture from garden centres to horticultural therapy. She has served on industry committees and been actively involved with amateur garden clubs for decades.

Jacinda Cole

Jacinda has expertise in psychology and horticulture. She holds a BSc (hons) in Psychology and a Masters in Psychology (Clinical) and also trained in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the London Centre for Psychotherapy. In horticulture she has a Certificate in Garden Design and ran her own landscaping and garden design business for a number of years. Jacinda also has many years experience in course development and educational writing.

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