PLANTSMEN have been the backbone of horticulture for hundreds of years.
These are highly respected experts who can identify, describe and manage a very large range of plants (commonly thousands of varieties). Plantsmen are not created overnight though, they require a very solid foundation in plantsmanship, then experience on top of that.
This course gives you a foundation well beyond what you get in most modern horticulture courses; then sets you on a path to extend your knowledge and experience, and in time, carve out an exceptional place for yourself in the world of horticulture.
What will this course give YOU?
- Sharpens your knowledge and skills for identifying plants
- Extends the rage of plants you can identify
- To scientifically identify plants
- To differentiate characteristics that distinguishes one plant from others
- Select the right plant for the right place
- Understand soils
- Develops techniques for the growing of a range of plant types including natives, food crops, indoor plants, ornamentals etc.
- The opportunity to choose 4 electives units that best suit your interests and needs.
- Be an expert plantsman or plantswoman.
- Nursery staff (both retail and wholesale)
- Landscapers
- Garden Designers
- Workers in public parks and gardens (amenity horticulture)
- Parks managers
- Environmental officers.
- Garden designers
- Gardeners
- Garden enthusiasts
Virtually any career that
deals with plants will be advanced by studying this course i.e. knowing how to identify plants, knowing what a plant needs to grow well and knowing how to make the right choice for the right place is invaluable to any horticulturist or gardener.
Note that each module in the Certificate in Plantsmanship is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.
What's involved in these Modules?
There are 10 lessons in this course:
- The Groups of Plants ‑ setting a framework for the whole subject. Learn to identify plants from a wide range of taxonomic and cultural groups, using a range of different techniques.
- Use of Plants ‑ plant selection, soils.
- Australian Native Plants -The growing of native shrubs and trees, including the selection, culture and use of different species.
- Exotic Ornamental Plants -Techniques for the growing of exotic ornamental shrubs and trees, including the selection, culture and use of different species.
- Indoor & Tropical Plants -Growing indoor plants, including selection, culture and use of different varieties
- Bedding Plants -Bedding plants...growing, selection, culture and use of different varieties.
- Vegetables -Techniques for the growing of edible crop plants, including selection, culture and use of vegetables, fruit, berries and nuts (Part A).
- Fruits, Nuts & Berries
- Herbs
- Alternative Growing Techniques ‑ hydroponics, container growing, terrariums. Determine appropriate applications for a range of alternative growing methods
There are 10 lessons in this course:
- Taxonomic Classification of Plants
- Cells and Tissues
- Specific Vegetative Parts of a Plant
- Flowers and Fruit
- Seed and the Developing Embryo
- Photosynthesis and Growing Plants
- Respiration
- The Role of Water
- Movement of Water and Assimilates through a Plant
- The Effects of Tropisms and Other Growth Movements
Choose from dozens of options.
These are designed to build extra skills which compliment job in plant identification and broader knowledge of the characteristics and cultural requirements for a large number of different plants.
Graduates of this course will have specialised plant knowledge relating to at least four different groups of plants, and the ability to identify dozens of plant families and over 400 different plant species.
A range of options are offered, to provide students the chance of studying areas of specific relevance or interest to them. This way every student can build a slightly different set of skills, differentiating themselves from others in industry, and allowing them to develop a reputation as a "specialist" fulfilling a niche that is different to others.
Plants are often given common names; but common names can be many and varied for the same plant. Scientific Names are far more accurate; but there can still be inconsistencies.
As with many plant families, the names you are likely to encounter with different references and experts may sometimes appear to be in conflict. It is not uncommon to encounter two different names for the same plant. To understand and appreciate this, you need to recognise the fact that the scientific naming of plants is despite being a very accurate system; it is also a system that is constantly changing.
As scientists discover more and more things about plants; the need arises to alter the way we classify different plants. Sometimes this may result in different genera or species being split to create new classifications; and sometimes amalgamated to eliminate old classifications
Occasionally old names are replaced with new ones, in an effort to adopt a more “sensible” name that better reflects something about the plant.
If you are referring to something written by someone in the past; you may well be looking at an old name.
Some experts may not always or immediately adopt name changes either; so even things written today by one expert, might not always be identical to that written by another.
deals with plants will be advanced by studying this course.
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