What is Good Education?
Consider Distance Learning and other forms of Alternative Education.
Different shapes and forms, and traditional education systems do not suit everyone. Some people simply don’t learn as well in a highly structured or conventional situation. Sometimes, a parent or employer seeks a different kind of learning: perhaps one that is more focused on the capacity to be innovative and creative and less focused on learning facts and skills; or learning that is more based on developing problem-solving skills. Also, there is a worldwide increasing demand for more flexible forms of delivery or multi-model education. We have designed this course for educators and trainers who want to develop the skills and broader perspective that will help them meet these new and changing demands. It will help you develop alternative education strategies and alternative educational options to meet the changing needs of students and employers.
- Research shows that many (if not most) university graduates, are not finding work in disciplines which they studied.
- Most people change jobs (and often industries) which they work in; many times throughout their career.
- Industries that were traditionally big employers are increasingly finding ways to do the same work with far fewer people.
- What we need to teach is continually changing; and how we need to teach it is changing.
It is naive to think you can do a mainstream education degree and be guaranteed a mainstream, long term career in education that is not that different to what educators did in the past.
For a sustainable career in education, you need something more than that; and this course is designed to set you on just that path!
Course Content:
- Six modules as outlined below.
- You must successfully complete an assignment for each lesson in each of these modules; and sit and pass a closed book exam at conclusion of each of the six modules
- Exams may be sat anywhere in the world. Additional exam fees apply as you come to each exam
- Cutting edge learning concepts (eg. experiential and problem based learning) are interwoven into these studies; in order to develop a perspective on learning that goes well beyond just the content of the lessons.
Note that each module in the Certificate In Alternative Education is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.
Diversity is what drives progress.
- Businesses that are a little different tend to have a higher rate of success.
- The most successful people tend to follow career paths that are different to most.
- Successful enterprises arise from thinking outside of the box.
Mainstream education tends to follow "standard" curriculum, delivered and assessed in similar ways from one school to the next. On the surface, this may appear to be a fair and equitable way of providing an education service; but it has less flexibility than an alternative.
- Mainstream education is more of a "teacher led" education; characterised by each student learning the same things.
- Alternative education can be a more "student led" education, with each student learning different things (given the opportunity to focus on their inherent strengths).
Exposition Model
This is teacher-centred with the teacher narrates and explains, and practice and revision is used to consolidate the learning. It is based on the traditional approach. It is not inflexible, but the narration, explanation, revision and practice are considered basic to effective teaching. Content focuses on traditional subjects, with a strong emphasis on the basic skills.
Behavioural Model
This is based on well structured steps of learning and the use of reinforcement. Can be used in formal full-class teaching or face-to-face instruction. It is still teacher-directed.
Cognitive Development Model
Here the teacher creates a supportive atmosphere, selects tasks according to pupil's developmental level, and elicits pupil's reasoning in relation to the tasks. Requires planning of steps, but emphasis is on student's reasoning. A number of cognitive approaches are examined within the context of this model. The pupil learns in a resource-rich situation by using reasoning to solve problems.
Interaction Model
This emphasises learning based on the student's interaction with other people and with society, ie. personal interaction. This model works mostly on group situations. Focus is social interaction. Content focuses on social-moral-cultural problems which produces self-aware people.
Transaction Model
This is a pupil-centred model involving a range of teacher structuring with which the self-directed pupil interacts and changes as a result of that interaction. Teacher functions more as a guide rather than as a teacher. Focus is the action (transaction) of the learner. This model is derived from progressive education and open learning.
There are no definite boundaries between each of the models. No one model is regarded as superior to another. A thorough knowledge of all models leads to greater teacher flexibility and efficiency.
Fantastic Opportunities
This fast changing world of ours can be unsettling for some. We all prefer to set our sights on a long term goal, and achieve it. The reality is that the ability to live that way is diminishing every year that passes.
You have two choices in your education –
One is to ignore the changes underway in our world; and hope that studying something that has worked in the past, will work for you in the future.
The other is to recognise that that there will be unforeseen opportunities in the future, and then prepare yourself as best you can to capitalize on those opportunities.
Graduate Outcomes
Being prepared to capitalize on future opportunities in your field of study.
Awareness of the subject and the industry
Understanding of how to use what is learnt in real life situations
Ability to communicate with greater confidence and accuracy
Capacity to solve problems related to this subject
Mainstream education tends to treat everyone in a similar way. Everyone has different needs, strengths and weaknesses though. Many often fall through the cracks and do not learn very well at all. Alternative methods tend to cater better for everyone.
Traditional education tends to produce large numbers of people with similar sets of skills and knowledge. Alternative education tends to produce smaller groups of people with more diverse skills.
When a person is fitted to the education system that most suits them; they will be far more motivated and more capable of learning. Given that different people learn differently, and need different things; it is important to have diversity in education if we are to cater as well as possible to as many people as possible. This can only be achieved through greater diversity -lots of alternatives in education. Standardising curriculum may on the surface seem to be achieving greater social equity; but the idea of "national curriculum" or "national standards" in education is in fact a disservice to all but the minority who that particular system suits.
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