Care for our Wildlife
Our wildlife is a precious and vital part of the natural ecosystem. However, many species and habitats come under a variety of ongoing threats.
Wildlife needs you! - to preserve, conserve, advocate, educate and care!
This course provides students with a solid foundation in wildlife management and conservation issues.
This is an experiential learning-based course. Throughout your studies you will have the opportunity to network with and learn from a variety of industry professionals. Establishing real-world relationships and confidence is key to career success.
There has never been a better time to work with Wildlife
With a generation of wildlife professionals retiring, and a number of worldly trends now impacting our wildlife more than ever, now is the time to train as a wildlife professional.
Imagine working in a diverse and rapidly evolving profession which affords opportunity for intellectual challenge, travel and interesting coworkers, while allowing you to work outdoors, amidst nature and a variety of irreplaceable species.
Train for a professional career in working with wildlife.
Note that each module in the Advanced Certificate in Wildlife Management is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.
What Birds Need
Birds need water to survive. A garden pond, stream or even a dish of water will attract birds.
Birds like a safe environment. Birds will be more inclined to visit a garden that is free from predators such as cats. Birdbaths and feeding tables should be at least one meter above the ground in an open position, where they will be protected from predators. Bird boxes provide a place for birds to escape predations, seek peace and shelter, and rear a family.
Non-threatening Environments
Birds will be more attracted to a quiet environment. Noisy children, barking dogs, cats or loud music will scare many birds away.
Using bird feeders or putting out feed such as nectar substitute or seed will attract birds. Bread is not recommended as it is a low energy food, not good for bird heath. It also tends to attract imported rather than native birds. Honey should also not be fed to birds. If you want birds that you have to return on a regular basis it is important to feed them the appropriate food at regular intervals. Feeders can be located to attract birds to places where you can easily see them. Bird groups and clubs can provide recommendations on what is best to feed to birds. Native bird seed mixes can be bought in pet shops to specifically attract native birds.
Habitat features used by birds
Trees are a mainstay for birds, providing shelter, rest areas and protection.
Tree hollows provide nesting locations for many species.
An abundance of bird food can be obtained from trees, e.g., insects and borrowers from tree wood and bark; berries and fruits, blossom nectar; captured water.
Trees provide essential safety and protection from a variety of predators.
Plants provide food sources for birds such as seeds and nectar.
Plants can provide nesting materials for birds with items such as twigs, leaves and grass being able to be collected and used for nests.
Dead foliage dropped from plants provides mulch on the ground where earthworms and other small animals such as lizards can live providing a food source for birds
Flowers provide an environment for insects, slugs, and other animals to live that birds can feed on.
Plants can provide protection from weather extremes for birds.
Plants, particularly dense foliage, provide protection to birds from predators such as cats.
- Many species will forage through lawn for grass seed.
- Others will utilise well-kept, open grassed areas to hunt for worms and various insects.
- Some birds specifically search for quiet, safe, open-grassed areas to nest within.
- Having grassed areas instead of concrete will soften the landscape, moderate temperatures and provide additional green space for birds and other animals.
- Longer, naturally grassed fields will provide many, if not all, of the needs to a variety of bird species.
Wildlife Care and Management Careers
There are a range of roles available in this field. Often changing and being created to fill new needs in care and conservation.
Some examples include:
Research and development
Health testing or assessment services
Feed and nutrition
Environmental consulting
Psychological health
Invasive species management
Sales and Marketing - animal services and products
Public education
Political advocacy
Tourism - ecotourism
Business management and development
Behaviour and training
Husbandry and breeding, and many more.
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