As a member of the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association, we are proud to offer you education and professional development options.


If you need help finding the right course or option for you, please get in touch! Always remember that our friendly team are here to help if there is something that you can't find.

Your options with us:

Take a look at our 100 hour courses, as well as our Certificates and Advanced Certificates courses to support your career in mental health support  for professional development, further learning or for a career change. Here's some options for you, just to name a few:

Abnormal Psychology 
Adolescent Psychology 
Aged Care and Counselling 
Anger Management 
Anxiety Management 
Aromatherapy Health Applications
Biophilic Landscaping
Biopsychology I 
Biopsychology II 
Careers Counselling 
Child and Adolescent Mental Health 
Child Psychology 
Conflict Management 
Counselling Children 
Counselling Skills I 
Counselling Skills II 
Counselling Techniques 
Creative Therapies 
Criminal Psychology 
Crisis Counselling

Developmental Psychology 

Developmental, Learning, Behaviour Disorders in Children and Adolescents 
Disability Support
Ecotherapy Practice 
Educational Psychology 
Emotional Intelligence 
Family Counselling 
Food Coaching
Grief Counselling 
Gut Microbiome Management
Health and Wellbeing
Horticultural Therapy
Introduction to Psychology
Industrial Psychology 
Life Coaching

Managing Change
Managing Mental Health in Adults

Managing Mental Health in Children and Adolescents

Managing Remote Work

Marketing Psychology

Multicultural Awareness
Personal Energy Management
Pet Therapy 
Professional Practice for Consultants 
Professional Practice in Counselling Professional Supervision 
Psychological Assessment 
Psychology and Counselling 
Psychopharmacology (Drugs & Psychology) 
Relationships and Communication Counselling 
Social Psychology 
Sport Coaching
Sports Psychology
Stress Management
Time Management
Wellness Coaching

Take a small self-guided learning journey and save 25% of our regular retail prices as a student. We have so many interesting courses in this format that you can revisit and continue learning at any time. Simply use the PROMO code ANZMH in on our bookshop website when you enrol.

Addiction Counselling
Animal Behaviour & Psychology
Anxiety Management
Behaviour Profiling
Business Coaching Fundamentals
Change Management
Consumer Behaviour

Counselling Practices

Editing Skills 

Health Psychology
Improve Your Business
Improve your English Grammar
Internet Marketing
Introduction to Food and Nutrition
Learning Skills
Managing Events

Managing Stress
Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Psychology
Physical Fitness

Problem Solving
Professional Consulting
Project Management
Relationships Counselling
Small Business Start Up
A Simple Introduction Technical Writing
Telephone and Online Counselling
The Brain Function, Damage and Recovery
Working Remotely

Tell your colleagues:

We have so many options for helping businesses train their staff. If your colleagues, employees or team need training solutions- we can help and provide packages, whether its for 1 student or 1000.

Need Help?

Take advantage of our personalised, expert course counselling service to ensure you're making the best course choices for your situation.

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