Industrial Psychology training course by Distance Learning - understand more about organisations, employee performance, and motivation
Understand the psychology of organisations, how they work and the psychology of getting the best out of your staff and yourself.
By understanding the thought processes that take place in the minds of people at work, a manager or supervisor can develop empathy for their staff, and apply this empathy to the way they manage the workplace. Learn about:
Understand how people think at work. Develop skills to be a better manager, supervisor or employer.
This course is suitable for -
This course is suitable for anyone working in organisations, employing and managing staff, recruiting and training staff.
Study to improve your job or career prospects. This is a great course for those already working and wanting to improve their knowledge and skills or for people wanting to start working in organisations.
Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Free Will versus Determinism
Developmental and Interactive Expressions of Behaviour
Nature versus Nurture
Influence of Environment on Learning Behaviour
Modelling and Conformity
Conditioning involves Certain Environmental Factors which Encourage Learning to Take Place
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Reinforcement & Punishment
Understanding the Employees Thinking
Sensation and Perception
Thinking and Day Dreaming
The Gestalt Approach
Unconscious and Conscious Psychic Elements
Explaining Behaviour
Knowledge of Brain Processes
Personal Interpretation of a Given Situation
Terminology including: Mating, Curiosity, Maternal, Acquiring, Repulsion, Constructiveness, Rivalry, Laughter, Fighting, Walking, Swallowing, Play, Imitation, Sleep, Modesty, Domineering, Religion, Self Asserting, Sneezing, Thirst, Cleanliness, Workmanship, Parenting, Food seeking, Flight, Collecting, Sympathy.
Personality & Temperament
Mature & Immature Temperaments (e.g. Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic)
Emotional Types
Deviation, etc.
Psychological Testing
The Application Form
Psychological Test
The Interview
Intelligence Tests
Laws of Learning
Devising Tests
Selecting Appropriate Tests.
Management & Managers
Qualities of Managers
Understanding Morale
Training, etc.
The Work Environment
Speed of Work, etc.
Fatigue etc.
Motivation and Incentives
Maslow's Model of Self-Actualisation
Social Reinforcement
Labour Wastage, etc.
Ways of Seeking Applicants
Types of Interview
Ways of Selecting Staff.
Social Considerations
Group Behaviour
Industrial Groups
The Hawthorne Effect
Abnormalities and Disorders
Personality Disorders
Partial Disability (e.g. arm, leg injuries; epilepsy, digestive disorders etc.)
The Psycho Neurotic
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Discuss basic concepts that may be relevant to understanding industrial psychology.
Identify similarities and differences that occur in the way different employees perceive their workplace.
Discuss the effect of personality and temperament upon industrial psychology.
Identify applications for psychological testing in industrial management.
Discuss the psychology of management.
Identify ways that the work environment might impact upon the psychology of people in a workplace.
Explain how motivation influences work productivity.
Discuss the application of psychology to recruitment.
Explain the impact of social factors upon work productivity.
Discuss the significance of psychological disorders or abnormalities in a workplace.
How Do Workers Think?
The activity of thinking is a mental condition that arises when one is faced with a difficulty or a problem. There is another activity which is a close ally to this type of thinking: the type of thinking that does not necessarily involve a problem. Here the consciousness is allowed to wander into its own unconscious desires. This is called "day dreaming" and is usually a natural form of escape from some condition which is not welcomed by the consciousness, or to escape to a stimulus desired by the physical. This phenomenon does not require any real conscious thinking, and day dreams are of little practical value, with the exception of those cases where their recurrence can incite the dreamer to use extra effort to make the day dreams come to fruition.
This is however divorced from the real activity of thinking, which we will now consider. Take one case of an electrical engineer who has to design an electrical installation. He will need to ponder such questions as-the type of materials available, space, the required light output, and the cost. He will consciously think of the job involved, bringing all of his past experience to bear on it. Similarly, a student who is faced with a problem, which is preventing or delaying the completion of an answer, must use his brains to seek a way around difficulties that hinder progress.
Considering the Worker
When a psychologist studies a patient, he does not consider present factors, such as environment alone. He must also take account of his patient's early environment and its effects on the present outlook of the patient. Such is also the case in Industrial psychology. If we wish to discover such things as "What makes a worker accident prone?" "Why is he a low producer?" and "Why does he cause so much wastage?" Then we must study the worker against his working background, both past and present.
The most important aspect is "accidents and their cause". This is extremely important, because there are serious production losses as well as damage and suffering to the injured.
Where accidents are a common occurrence, over a period of time there is a tendency for the work force to regard accidents as inevitable. This is a fatalistic attitude which must be overcome by the management. This can only be done by teaching the correct safety measures and insisting that they be carried out. In South Africa there is an act - The machinery and Occupational Safety Act, which was enacted in 1983. This act provides for safety representatives in each working place, safety committees and safety officers. it is beyond the scope of this course to go into detail regarding this act, because this falls within the realm of Labour Relations. The student, would however, be well advised to obtain a copy of this act from the Government Stationer.
The length of work periods is a deciding factor with regard to accidents. It has been shown in many experiments both in Europe and the United States of America that as a shift continues fatigue continues to increase. The optimum period for work of a monotonous nature is two hours. After such a length of time a rest period of a few minutes should be allowed. Where concentrated work is required to be carried out for a period of four hours or more it has been proved by experiment and observation that most accidents occur towards the middle and end of the work period, when both mental and physical fatigue begin to take their toll. It has been proved that music played during the work period can have a soothing effect and actually eliminate fatigue and boredom. The music should, however, be provided with a level diffusion so that one part of the workroom is not subjected to a cacophony of sound while workers in others parts of the workroom are unconsciously straining their ears to catch the theme.This course helps develop knowledge and skills for anyone involved in workplace situations, such as managers, supervisors, small business owners, union representatives, etc.
Find out more about this and other topics relating to industrial psychology by taking this course.
What This Course Could Do For You
The study of industrial, organisational or occupational psychology is applicable to all workplaces, since it is concerned with the health and well-being of employees and how this relates to productivity, it can be of value to business owners as much as psychologists who advise businesses on better practices.
This course covers a wide range of workplace issues so that graduates will be adept in their understanding of the influence of the physical environment, personality and motivation of employees, the value of psychological testing, and the behaviour of work groups.
This course is most likely to appeal to people in the following fields:
Occupational psychology
Personnel management
Business coaching
Business management
Team leadership
Business ownership
Workplace training
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