Understand how horses think
..... and apply this to better manage horse behaviour
When dealing with certain aspects of equine behaviour that we consider to be difficult or problematic, we need to determine where this behaviour has come from.
We know that horses all have the same behavioural patterns, inbuilt from their wild ancestors. There may also be characteristics that horses can display that we perceive to be dysfunctional or expressions of the horses personality. We can try to identify these by asking questions such as:
- How does a horse learn or develop certain patterns of behaviour?
- How much of it is innate and how much is environmental?
- What are the causes for the development of vices?
- How do these horse-specific patterns of learning impact on my role as the owner/trainer?
Understanding the flexibility and limits of behaviour is essential to improving both the horse's welfare and its performance.
Student Comment: "[The course] was more in-depth than I
thought it would be and it was information that I could apply with my
own horses. The feedback was very helpful and it was information that
could only have been gained from experience with horses. My tutor would
always answer any questions that I have and always had something
positive and helpful to say!" Paula Grima, Australia - Equine Behaviour Why study Equine Behaviour?
Lesson Structure
There are 7 lessons in this course:
Introduction: Influences and motivation
What is an equine?
Why study equine behaviouir?
Scope of equine behaviour
What motivates behaviour?
Categories of behaviour - reactive, active, cognitive
Species behavioural differences
Learned behaviour and learning ability
Other influences on behaviour
Behavioural differences between breeds
Related terminology
Genetics and behaviour
Inborn, innate or inherited?
Understanding the basics of genetics
Effects of the environment
Heritability, epigenesis, interaction between species, survival
The importance of inborn behaviours
Perception and behaviour
How do animals perceive things?
Types of stimuli
Stimulus filtering
Equine perception and behaviour
Sensory perception - horse verses human
Sight, taste, smell, touch, sound
The body language of horses
Fight or flight
Communication and social behaviour
Animal societies
Social constraints and herd membership
Signals of communication - chemical, tactile, visual signals
Social organisation - home range
Maintenance behaviour
Play behaviour
Lack of equine company
Sexual and reproductive behaviour
Sexual strategies
Normal sexual behaviour - stallions, mares, mating, birthing
Foal imprinting
Normal maternal behaviour
Abnormal sexual behaviours - stallions, mares
Learning and training
Conditioning and learning
Shaping, extinction, habituation, instrumental learning
Thorndyke's Law of Effect
Operant and respondent behaviour
More aspects of conditioning - pseudo-conditioning, interoceptive conditioning, temperol conditioning
Biological aspects of conditioning
Cognition and learning
Associative learning
Obedience, reinforcement, punishment
Reinforcement schedules
Flooding, Systematic desensitisation, exhaustion, punishment, habituation, counter conditioning, join-up/follow-up
Behavioural Problems
Abnormal behaviour
Types of abnormal behaviour in horses
Diagnosing behavioural problems
Stable vices - crib biting, wind sucking, weaving etc
Ridden vices - shying, tongue over bit, head tossing, rearing, bucking etc
Handling vices - leading, unwillingness to be caught, etc.
Transporting horses - problems during loading, horse trailer requirements
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Identify factors affecting equine behaviour.
Describe the influence of genes on equine behaviour.
Explain how horses perceive and how they respond to various stimuli
Explain how horses communicate and the nature of their social organisation.
Explain the sexual and reproductive behaviour of the horse.
Describe the different ways that horses learn and how this can be applied to the training environment
Explain how and why behavioural problems occur and how they can be prevented
How Do Horses Perceive their Surroundings?
Studying equine behaviour begins with looking at the way a horse behaves instinctively in the wild. Instinct is an inborn and natural automatic reaction to stimuli. These instincts are so strong that they survive to this day in our domesticated horse.
Wild horses evolved over millions of years from an ancestor (eohippus) about the size of a dog that browsed on leaves to the modern horse (equus caballu) that grazed, roamed and lived as a very gregarious animal.
Very few truly wild horses exist today. Most “wild” horses are actually feral and are descendants of domesticated horses that have been allowed to revert back to living wild. These feral horses such as those in the Camargue or the Brumbies in Australia have provided many insights into the instincts of our domesticated horse.
The main instincts of the horse are geared towards survival and survival in the wild depends on an efficient early warning system provided by the sensory systems.
Horses are Not Human
If you are to manage horses well, it is important to recognise that they are not human. They perceive things differently to us.
No matter how much affinity develops between a horse and it's owner, horses remain animals and their behaviour patterns are not human.
Horses are motivated differently, think differently, and act differently.
It is important to recognise the differences that exist between man and animal.
- Total field of vision is larger than in humans.
- The field of three-dimensional vision is smaller than humans
- Three-dimensional and accurate distance vision are less developed than in humans
- Close-up adaptation is less developed than in humans
- Vision in dim light is significantly better than in humans
- Horses adapt more slowly to rapid changes in brightness
- Colour vision in horses is similar to vision in red-green colour blind people
- Horses have a greater reception capacity of sound waves than humans
- Horses hear high frequency sounds better but are worse at hearing low frequency sounds
- Horses sense of smell is much more developed than that of humans
Why study Equine behaviour?
The study of equine behaviour provides a foundation for more sensitive and informed care and training of horses
- Studying equine behaviour can help you understand your horse's behaviour, and work more effectively with its inherent nature.
- It is assumed that all equine behaviour is an adaptation designed to support survival, either directly or indirectly. However, this is not always the case. Horses can behave self-destructively, out of habit, or out of boredom, just as humans can.
- To better understand equine behaviour, we need to consider what motivates it.
- Studying equine behaviour will also give you scope if you are working in this industry or hope to - many people study the basics of horse care but not as many understand equine behaviour to an in depth level. This course will place you ahead of many others in this field.
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