Gain a deeper understanding of Cats
This course will assist you to demonstrate your ability to work with cats and understand the industry.
Domestic Cat Care is a comprehensive 100 hour course covering all aspects of diet and nutrition, preventative health care and treating illnesses, understanding feline behaviour, breeding, business planning and more!
Developed with the feline professional or cat enthusiast in mind, the experiential learning course is designed to help you gain the knowledge and skills to work with cats confidently.
Lesson Structure
There are 9 lessons in this course:
Basic Feline Needs - Basic Duties of the Cat Owner
Food and water
Shelter and Containment
Health care for sick cat
Claw trimming
Introducing a new cat at home
Cats with babies and children
Cats and dogs
Cat breeds – pedigrees and non-pedigrees
Feline Biology
Digestive system
Reproductive system
Domestic cat breeds
International and national associations
Long haired breeds – characteristics, common health problems, temperaments, care, history
Semi-long haired breeds - characteristics, common health problems, temperaments, care, history
Short haired breeds - characteristics, common health problems, temperaments, care, history
Feline Health Care
Preventative care
Recognising ill health
Dealing with emergencies
Artificial breathing and heart massage
How to induce vomiting
Specific situations to deal with e.g. burns, wounds, dehydration, hypothermia (and many more)
Restraining for treatment
Transportation of the injured cat
Feline Illnesses
Internal parasites
Stomach worms
Bladder worms
Worm control
External parasite
Common ailments and diseases (numerous)
Skin disorders
Feline Diet
Introduction to foods and feedings
Dietary options
Free feeding
Scheduled, portion controlled feeding
Understanding dietary requirements
Kittens (0-12 months)
Pregnant and lactating cats
Fussy cats
Obesity and overweight cats
Underweight cats
Geriatric cats
Raw diets
Toxic foods
Feline Behaviour
Understanding the cats mind
Personality and temperament differences
How cats communicate
Body language
Sleeping routines and circadian rhythms
Behavioural problems
Recognise and understand aggression
Dealing with aggression
Inappropriate elimination
Excessive vocalisation
Geriatric dysfunction
Controlling killing wildlife
Eating disorder
Abnormal suckling
Separation anxiety
Breeding and Raising Kittens (includes PBL Project)
Cat breeding industry
Ethics in animal breeding
A brief look at genes
Sexual behaviour
Socialisation of kittens
Problem based learning project – Improving Standards for Ethical Breeding
Feline Services (includes PBL Project)
Grooming services
Professional training and handling
Day care or boarding facilities
Rehoming and fostering
Using cats as therapy pets
Health care industry
Feline therapy services – hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, massage
Retail and manufacturing industry
Pet funerals and memorials
Business basics for self-employment in the feline industry
Laws and small business
The importance of keeping records
Buying an established business
Buying a franchise
Approaches to business planning
Problem based learning project – Starting a Small Business in the Cat Industry
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Investigate aspects of domestic cat care and the basic duties of owners and professional carers.
Develop understanding of basic biology – anatomy and physiology – and associated processes.
Examine variations between different breeds by focusing on common health issues, temperaments and characteristics.
Recommend different preventative care schedules and learn how to recognise and treat ill health.
Develop clear understanding of parasites, ailments and disease, treatment options available and the significance of veterinary assistance.
Investigate feline nutrition and outline an appropriate diet for the domestic cat specific to their needs.
Distinguish between normal and abnormal cat behaviour, extending this to develop appropriate strategies for dealing with problem or undesirable behaviours.
Assess the current breeding industry and demonstrate ethical standards in cat breeding and rearing kittens.
Investigate and evaluate services which exist in the current cat industry and propose a small business idea which is of personal interest.
What You Will Do
Consider four specific areas of cat care. For example, one area may be grooming. Find out about the products and services which are available in your locality for each area you chose.
Choose one part of the body to research, for example skin, digestive system etc. Visit as many veterinarians that you can and ask them for information leaflets or flyers they have which relate to the health of that area of the body. Take notes on any repetition that you notice with regards to the health and caring for of that part of cat’s body.
Contact breed associations of your choice in your own country and investigate the specific standards they set for the physical characteristics of a particular breed (to be registered as pedigree). Using online resources available to you, now investigate some associations in a different country. You want to find out if there are similarities or differences in the standards of that country for the same breed you investigated in part A of the task.
Research attitudes into neutering in your locality. For your research to have validity, you will need to contact between 8-10 people who own or work with cats and have some questions devised which you can ask them to draw out information on their attitudes and views about neutering.
Find at least 3 cat owners who have cats with form or ongoing physical illness. Discuss with them the illness and the treatments which the cat undergoes. Ask questions about the how the illness affects the cats overall wellbeing. Ask about the nature of the illness and the long term management of the illness.
Look at foods available in the local the supermarket and take notes of the nutritional components of the foods. Research specialist diets for specific health concerns e.g. urinary stress or hairball control and make contrasts between the products available. Limit this to 6 products.
Research the differences in the diets of indoor and outdoor living cats. Make comparisons of nutritional deficiencies or excesses.
If possible, observe the cat in six states of hunting in real life-
stalk, run, pounce, catch, kill, eat. Take notes of the different physical positions and levels of exertion in each stage. If other cats were present/nearby during the hunting, you should also take notes of your observations of any behaviour directed at those nearby e.g. aggression.
Problem Based Learning Project in Ethical Breeding Standards
Problem Based Learning Project in Starting a Small Business in the Feline Industry
Breeding Cats
There are more breeds of cats than what most cat owners realise. Each breed has it's own unique characteristics including how they look, how they behave and how they need to be managed. Some cat breeds are easier to care for than others.
If you are to provide a cat with the conditions it needs to have a healthy and happy life, you need to match the right breed with the situation it will live in.
In many jurisdictions, cat breeders may not need a qualification, but they should have excellent knowledge of the breed of cat and their best interests in mind at all times. The queen must have the proper care throughout pregnancy and post pregnancy. A clean, appropriate environment must be provided with the correct nutrition available.
The female cat should be fully grown to their adult size before breeding occurs, and this is usually around 18 to 24 months of age. If the female falls pregnant before she has chance to fully grow then all her energy will go on the pregnancy, rather as her own growth. The male tom should not be under the age of 18 months before being bred, and this ensures he is in good health with a good temperament.
It is the breeder’s responsibility to ensure the female and the male cat have both had full health evaluations, and this should be carried out by a veterinary surgeon. Both cats should be checked prior to breeding for -
- Full physical examinations.
- Full courses of vaccinations, or ensure they are up to date.
- Faecal and urinary analysis.
- Free from parasites or infections.
- Tested for FeLV (Feline Leukaemia Virus) and FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus).
- Tested for genetic disorders, e.g. polycystic kidney disease, hip dysplasia, patellar luxation and heart disease.
Whether looking to start a business, develop your career or enter into a cat-related job, this course will support you.
This course could lead to:
- Employment in a pet care retail environment.
- A foundation to working in animal health care.
- A first step to further education in animal welfare.
- Professional breeding and showing, and many other fields.
Learn your own way, with flexibility in place, time and pace.
Receive prompt, friendly and supportive guidance as needed throughout your studies from our expert tutors and industry professionals.
Enjoy and take hold of your future through studying what you want in a way that suits you!
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