Discover Valuable Tools for Anxiety and Panic Management
Feeling anxious is a perfectly normal response to certain situations. But sometimes anxiety can become intense, persistent, and overbearing. It can start to take over our lives and stop us from doing things or enjoying certain activities. This course delves into the nature of anxiety and when anxiety becomes a problem. It will help you to:
- Understand the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders and panic attacks
- Develop mechanisms and plans to help reduce feelings of anxiety and panic
This course is useful for:
- People who experience distressful anxiety or panic attacks and wish to control these feelings.
- People who work with those who suffer panic and anxiety, such as –
- Teachers
- Volunteers
- Social workers
- Nurses
- Doctors
- Counsellors
- Wellbeing professionals
- Other professionals working with people with anxiety and panic symptoms
Why Study this Course?
Understanding the signs and symptoms of anxiety and panic are an important first step to reducing the impact of anxiety and panic. Panic and anxiety can take over people’s lives. This course will enable you to
- Recognise the signs and symptoms of anxiety diorders and panic attacks
- Develop plans to reduce feelings of anxiety and panic
- Apply suitable coping mechanisms for different types of anxiety disorders
- Look at alternative methods of reducing panic and anxiety
- Improve your knowledge of anxiety and panic and how to deal with it yourself, or help others to deal with it.
This evidence-based course has the potential to help people deal with the impact of panic and anxiety on their lives.
Written by experienced ACS writers with knowledge of anxiety and panic symptoms and ways to help people to cope.
A substantial and informative course that requires commitment and dedication from students.
The course has nine lessons with carefully constructed tasks and activities to develop an in depth understanding of anxiety and panic management.
Lesson Structure
There are 9 lessons in this course:
Scope and Nature of Anxiety and Panic
Normal Anxiety
The Autonomic Nervous System
Anxiety Today
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Defining Anxiety and Panic Disorders
What are Anxiety Disorders?
Physical Affects of Anxiety
Mental Symptoms of Anxiety
Anxiety Symptoms in Children
Recognising Anxiety
What is Panic?
Panic Symptoms in Children
The Difference Between Anxiety and Panic
Managing Anxiety: Anxiety Management Plans
Methods of Managing Anxiety - Developing an Anxiety Management Plan
Anxiety Spirals
Understanding Triggers
Dealing With Triggers
Helping Children Articulate Feelings
Making an Anxiety Management Plan
Managing Social Anxiety Disorder
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?
Treating Social Anxiety Disorder
Managing Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
A Day in the Life of a Person With GAD
Recognising Anxiety Triggers
Managing Anxiety
Self-Help Ideas for GAD
Managing Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
Panic Disorder
Treating Panic Attacks
Treating Agoraphobia
Managing Environmental Factors that Increase Anxiety and Panic
Defining the Term Environment
Environmental Management
Strategies to Manage the Environment to Reduce Anxiety
Alternative Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Panic
Pet Therapy
Horticultural Therapy
Creative Therapy
Play Therapy
Research Project – Anxiety Management
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Describe anxiety and panic and reasons for the increasing levels of anxiety and panic in the modern world.
Define anxiety and panic disorder.
Describe the development of an anxiety management plan.
Describe appropriate ways to manage symptoms of social anxiety disorder.
Describe appropriate ways to manage symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder.
Describe appropriate ways to manage symptoms of panic disorder and agoraphobia.
Describe methods of managing the environment to reduce anxiety and panic.
Apply alternative techniques to reduce anxiety and panic.
Describe treatments for anxiety and/or panic disorder based upon a relevant signs, symptoms, and experiences.
Explain the nature of anxiety and panic disorders and propose a planned response for management.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal emotion which is characterised by apprehension, dread, and uneasiness. It is experienced as unpleasant. It is not the same as fear, since fear occurs in response to a specific object, whereas anxiety usually does not. Instead, anxiety is related to a perceived threat. Many people experience anxiety during their day to day lives.
Anxiety disorders are different to everyday anxiety. They involve excessive fear and anxiety and are accompanied by behavioural disturbances. They are the most prevalent group of mental disorders throughout the world. It is estimated that one in five people experience an anxiety disorder at some time in their life. How serious this anxiety disorder is and how much it affects the person’s day to day life will vary from individual to individual. But it will also vary within that individual’s lifetime. Some people may have mild symptoms of anxiety at times, but at other times these can become more severe. Whether or not a person has a clinical diagnosis of anxiety will depend on the severity and duration of symptoms.
Sometimes people will experience panic attacks. This course will look at the signs and symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders and ways of coping with these feelings.
Understanding anxiety is the first step toward better managing it. This course not only helps you to understand anxiety, but also teaches you about different responses that can be taken and techniques used to reduce anxiety and it's effects.
What you learn hear can help you to help yourself or others - in your personal or professional dealings with people.
You may study this course for your own professional development working in healthcare or other services sectors; or in any other context where you have the potential to encounter and deal with anxiety.
Enrol today in this self-paced distance learning course and start mastering anxiety management.
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