Learn Strategies to Improve the Performance of Athletes
Sports psychology is the study of the interaction between a person’s psychology and their participation in sport. Singer (1978) defined it as “the science of psychology applied to sport”. Whilst the field of psychology is relatively young, sports psychology is even younger. The field of sports psychology has much to offer, carrying out useful research that can be made available to athletes and coaches.
In professional or competitive sport, this study is important because:
Better understand performance in sporting and exercise activities
Sports psychologists provide two major types of services –
Student Comment:
"The course was useful for my goalkeeper coaching practises. [It} met my expectations and gave me some good insights; I liked the way the course was structured, especially the way I could work at my own pace WITHOUT any pressure. The course has specifically helped with ideas for motivating players." Mario Rimati, Football Coach & Phys Ed Teacher, Italy - Sports Psychology course
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
Performance Psychology
Exercise Psychology
Environmental Influences
Aspects of Sports Psychology
Applying Sports Psychology
Psychological Traits of Successful Athletes
Personality Inventory
Cognitive Techniques
State of Mind
Anxiety & Arousal
Physiology of Anxiety
Psychology of Anxiety
How to Maximise Psychological State
Focusing (or Centering)
Basic Principles
Intrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic Motivation
Factors Affecting Motivation
Motivation for fun
Slimming for fun
Mental Rehearsal
Error Parking
Using Self Consciousness
Word Association
Measuring Aggression
Simulated Practice
e-Event Procedure
Reliving Success
Conflict Handling Techniques
Leadership & Coaching
A Coach’s Role
Getting Attention
Team Dynamics
Group cohesion
Traits of an Effective Team
Suitable membership
Appropriate Leadership
Commitment to the Team
Concern for Achieving
Effective Work Methods
Well Organised Team Procedures
Ability To Take Criticism
Creative Strength
Positive Relationships
Positive Environment.
Special Groups
Post Game/Season Evaluation
Gender Differences
Elite Female Athletes
Special Considerations with Female Athletes
Disabled Persons
Dropping out
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Describe the nature and scope of Sports Psychology
Identify psychological traits found in successful athletes.
Explain effects of state of mind on athletic performance.
Recommend ways of maintaining or increasing motivation in an athlete.
Differentiate between positive and negative application of aggressive emotions in sport.
Discuss the role of leadership in sports coaching.
Explain the impact on performance of psychological interactions within a sporting team.
Describe variations in the sports psychology of different demographic groups.
Factors Affecting the Team Environment
Eight different dimensions of the team environment need to be considered:
1. Autonomy
The opportunity to function independent of the group leader. Autonomous athletes feel more comfortable if allowed to make decisions on their own; at least sometimes. Others may influence or guide but to retain a sense of autonomy, that influence must be subtle.
2. Support
Athletes need to feel emotional support from their trainer/coach and team members. A sense of caring and sharing is a fundamental psychological need in sport and any other life situation.
3. Pressure
In competitive sport, a sense of pressure to succeed is always present and for ultimate success, it needs to be present. Some stress or tension will be inevitable along with pressure; and the team environment may easily become “tight” or “anxious”. This atmosphere does need to be controlled: if it gets out of hand it can damage the team and affect performance; but without some pressure, the performance might not be as good either.
4. Recognition
Recognition by the coach, spectators, the opposing team, team mates etc, will strengthen the team.
5. Trust
Athletes need to trust the actions of each other in a team. The overall team outcome, and very often, an individual athlete’s well being, will depend upon the performance of the team mates.
6. Fairness
This is a perception that can vary from one person to another. One team member may think they are fair, and another think they are not fair. The coach’s perception can be different again. An athlete’s perception of fairness may be affected by:
A/ The degree of compatibility between 2 different people’s outlooks.
B/ The accuracy of communication between 2 people.
C/ Discrepancies in factual knowledge that the two people have.
If a difference of perception is identified between two team members, these three issues need to be examined in turn.
7. Innovation
Everything in this world changes, and in order to adapt to change, innovations need to be created and applied. There is a collective potential within a team that exceeds the potential of any one individual (e.g. a captain, trainer or coach); but in order to harness that collective potential, the team leadership must be willing to tolerate or even better, encourage creative input and innovation from all team members.
8. Cohesiveness
This is a measure of the overall sense of belonging to a team.
Benefits of Studying This Course
An understanding of sports psychology embraces not just competitive sports but also fitness, endurance, and athleticism. This course examines the role that thoughts, behaviours and emotions play in sports performance and training. Students learn about things that inhibit performance and ways to combat them, as well as techniques for using negative thoughts and feelings to enhance performance. Students are encouraged to adapt strategies to suit individuals or teams, and a variety of special cases.
This course is of most interest to people working in, or aspiring to work in:
- Sports psychology
- Sports coach
- Personal trainer
- Athlete
- Sportsman
- Health professions
The course may also be of interest to people who have friends or family who aspire to become athletes whether on an amateur or professional level.
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