Tips for Permaculture Gardens

A permaculture system is a unique landscape where all the plants and animals live in balance in a self-sustaining ecosystem. It commonly involves developing a garden or farm where the plants and animals are put together in such a way that they support each other’s growth and development. The garden or farm may very well change over the years, but it always remains productive, requires little input once established, and is environmentally sound.


Tips to get started growing organic vegetables in a permaculture garden!


  • Build soil to a good structure using compost, manures, green manures and mulch to supply plants with balanced nutrients. Minimise tillage.
  • Cover the soil with mulch to protect the soil from damage through exposure, to encourage and protect soil organisms and to hold in moisture.
  • Practice crop rotation and monitor pH levels.
  • Maintain adequate levels of nutrients without over fertilising. Annual vegetables grow rapidly and use a lot of plant food. The compost you incorporated in your seed bed preparation may not be released fast enough to keep up with the plant's capacity to grow. Top-dress the soil of the vegetable plot with a suitable organic fertiliser.

Seed and Plant Health

  • Use healthy seeds and plants, pest and disease resistant varieties and certified virus free seed where possible. Always check expiry dates on seed packets and choose strong, green seedlings. Some seedling producers “starve” plants purposely to keep them from becoming root bound when contained in punnets or flats. Such plants are often leggy and pale in colour (i.e. they are nitrogen deficient). Treat starved seedlings by spraying the foliage with a liquid plant food such as a soluble seaweed fertiliser.
  • Avoid monoculture – plant a diverse range of species. Try companion planting.
  • Sow a green manure or cover crop in fallow beds in autumn or winter and dig the plants into the soil before they reach maturity (i.e. before flowering) in spring or just leave them on top of the soil as mulch. However, do not grow root crops such as carrots and parsnips after the addition of manure or a cover crop, as it makes them fork. Grow and harvest leafy crops first then sow carrots/parsnips (without any more additives) as the following crop.
  • Harvest regularly – over-ripe vegetables attract insect pests.

Controlling the Environment

  • Monitor the garden for potential weed, pest and disease problems before they take hold.
  • Provide habitats (grow suitable plants and flowers) to encourage natural predators.
  • Provide ventilation between plants.
  • Don't overcrowd plants - resist the temptation to plant small seedlings too close together as this will result in less than satisfactory growth, even with good soil preparation. Plants starved for space and light will rarely produce a good crop. Spacing is important for sunlight and for root spread. Overcrowding will also reduce ventilation around the plants, making them more susceptible to disease, such as fungal rots.

Drainage and Watering

  • Provide good drainage – this is vital for a successful vegetable garden. In a clay soil or if the site is in a low-lying area, prepare a raised growing bed 30cm above the natural ground level. Use retaining materials such as untreated timber sleepers or bricks to support the raised bed and ensure the soil does not fall away.
  • Provide sufficient drainage holes at the base of any retaining material so water can readily drain out from the bed. Slotted drains (agricultural pipes) may be needed if poor drainage prevails but remember that you need to design the vegetable plot so that the water has somewhere to run.
  • Use balanced watering. Water at critical times to avoid plant stress.


There's many simple principles about permaculture gardens you can learn, and start growing food today! 

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