How to Get a Job

Employers want employees who fit the job.  If your CV suggests you could be a good fit, you might get an interview.

If your interview suggests you are a better fit than others applying for the job; you are likely to be selected.

Look for jobs that are a good fit!

First: don’t limit yourself to just looking for jobs that are advertised.

Second: think about the industries and sort of work you have an interest in.

Third: do anything you can do to put your resume in the hands of employers who control the work you are interested in.

This could involve:

•    Sending a job application in response to an advertised job, but also:
•    Sending a resume with a covering letter; offering your services if any opportunities ever arise
•    Lodging your resume with an employment agency ‘

How Do you Know What is a Good Fit for You?

Answer these Key questions
•    What are you passionate about? Hobbies, Nature, People, Sports, Health, Business, Politics? 
•    Do you prefer to work with your hands, with information or with people?
•    Do you prefer predictable or unpredictable tasks?
•    Do you prefer to work with simple tasks you can complete each day, or complex tasks that take a long time to complete.

Pursue jobs that fit with the way you answer these questions.

Resume Contents
Resume contents should be divided into a series of sections that are logical
They would always include 4 sections:
1.    Heading
2.    Contact details
3.    Education
4.    Experience

They might also include other sections –
•    Objective - career/employment goals (eg. to work in a job where you can help people or can contribute to improve environments.)
•    Interests – hobbies, sports, passions
•    Community Service – volunteering, military service, memberships
•    Web sites & Social media
•    References – List names & contact details of people who can be contacted to give a reference

Poor Resumes

Avoid these things:
•    Unorganised information
•    Too much information: long paragraphs and long sentences.
•    Insufficient information: not enough for you to be evaluated
•    Over emphasising accomplishments – The tone should show your capabilities in a factual, realistic but humble tone but never in a bragging tone.
•    Sloppiness – inconsistencies in layout (eg some headings in upper and lower case, others all capitals); or pages not stapled together neatly, coffee stain on paper, etc.
•    Negativity - avoid using negative words; or bringing attention to your weaknesses.

Succeeding in an Interview

When you walk into an interview, be someone who looks, sounds, and acts in a way that fits the job. Be consistent with the resume you submitted.

They interviewer will be looking to see someone who is positive, confident and has a good attitude.

Before the interview, consider:
1.    What you will wear.
2.    Ensure you are clean, well-groomed and appear healthy.
3.    Take anything that you might need to use, refer to, or show at the interview.
4.    Prepare your mind and body to be calm, alert and positive


LEARN THE SKILLS with this 10 hr, self paced, online course

Improve your resume and perform better at job interviews.

First impressions count. A resume, with a covering letter will often be your first opportunity to impress an employer and optimise your chance of being interviewed.

The interview becomes your chance to shine. If you want to stand out, impress an employer and be offered a job; you need to do your very best at writing a resume, and presenting yourself throughout a job interview.

This course shows you how. It may well be the most important 10 hours of study you ever do.

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