Look for jobs that are a good fit!
First: don’t limit yourself to just looking for jobs that are advertised.
Second: think about the industries and sort of work you have an interest in.
Third: do anything you can do to put your resume in the hands of employers who control the work you are interested in.
This could involve:
• Sending a job application in response to an advertised job, but also:
• Sending a resume with a covering letter; offering your services if any opportunities ever arise
• Lodging your resume with an employment agency ‘
How Do you Know What is a Good Fit for You?
Answer these Key questions
• What are you passionate about? Hobbies, Nature, People, Sports, Health, Business, Politics?
• Do you prefer to work with your hands, with information or with people?
• Do you prefer predictable or unpredictable tasks?
• Do you prefer to work with simple tasks you can complete each day, or complex tasks that take a long time to complete.
Pursue jobs that fit with the way you answer these questions.